How do you tell if ur bump is water weight or a baby bump? im 7 weeks and 4 days and have noticed more weight round my belly but not sure which it is ..
I'm 13 weeks & just started switching from gas-belly to baby-belly... you will, too, in a few weeks! It will seem like it happens almost overnight... you won't be as gassy & turbulent in your belly & it will be pouchy a little lower & more outward instead of all-over bloated. It just feels & looks 'different'... this is my 2nd baby & its much more pronounced this time. Good luck!
I had the same problem BLOATING!!! With my last pregnancy. This time I'm just 7 weeks but no boat soo far. I had my ultrasound today and actually saw the lil heart beat. So EXCITED!!
Do u have morning sickness?
How far along are you?