I pee my pants all the time !! am I alone??

edited March 2011 in Health
everytime I cough laugh sneeze I pee my pants!! Its so embarrassing :( does anyone suggest any type of pantie liners or anything to help, it doesn't help I have an awful cough right now :(


  • I would def use panty liners & do kegels
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  • Yeah I have tried kegels just doesn't help :( I'm at 30 weeks and I think he is finally getting big and pushing on me ugh
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  • Im preg wit 5th the dr said the more babies the looser ur muscles are.I pee on myself evn when im not preg if that makes u feel better.I've had to wear a pantyliner everyday for 9yrs.when im preg its way worse im 4months n if I wait to long to pee I pee myself.I can't hold it for more than 10min.
  • This may sound over kill but depends has incontinince (sp) pads that will be more absorbant than a panty liner :D
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  • Dr said kegels don't always help... I pee tooo its a funny thing our moms and grandmas never told us about this... it is embarrassing my kids an:-(d husband make fun of me all the time.. just last night someone knocked on my door so loud at like 1 am and I peeed when I jumped up scared the piss out of me hahahaha.. any way its normal and not just when your pregnant but I guess after tooo
  • Im 17 weeks and I pee all the time when o sneeze. I peed on the floor like my dog last night when I sneezed :-/
  • Yeah when I was about 18wks I had the pee problem dr said try kegels I have been doig
  • Oops doing them & it has stopped
  • this is my 3rd pregnancy and have to wear panty liners because every time i sneeze i pee too! kegels don't help me either.
  • When I know that I'm about to sneeze, I stop and brace myself to see if I can sneeze w/o peeing in my underwear. It's so dangerous if it comes unexpected but that's the downfall of having kids.
  • What are kegels?
  • Lol well that makes me feel a whole lot.better! So I'm not the only one :)
  • I had thid problem due to having my two children so close together i had a operation to Have a bladder net so now it doesnt happen. This is my third pregnancy and am due a c section because.of the work i had done, the docs said if i wanted to deliver normal i can and they will do the op again..but damn it hurt so decided c sections for me. :-)
  • Omg I thought I was alone on this one me too but I now wear regular pads just so I won't mess up my clothes I thinks its normal for us though
  • It just seems to be such a big problem its like not just a little but sometimes alot lo nice to know there is a medical procidure if totally needed!!!
  • @momma2be1990 I have no clue either lol
  • If I'm layingdown and I feel like I have to pee a little when I stand to go to the bathroom all the weight puts so much pressure on my bladder ...I almost pee or acutally pee a little bit running to the bathroom
  • @Momma2Be1990 Kegels are when you flex or tighten your vaginal muscles...its an excercise
  • I am so glad I'm not alone with the peeing thing! I have to stop and brace myself also when I feel a cough or sneeze coming on. If I don't feel it coming and it just happens I freaking leak in my panties. One of the joys of having kids I guess...
  • I was standing with my husband in a store waiting to check out and I felt a sneeze coming on and when it came all I could feel was swwshhhh of pee.. And it wasnt just a lil pee it was enough to where you could definitely tell.. I was mortified!!!! The panty liner I was wearing did nothing to help, I couldn't get out of the store fast enough!!!
  • Lol well my cough has finally gone away but at work I totally peed myself AOT ugh its so embarrassing I brace myself everytime I'm about to sneeze
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