***RIB PAIN 6W ****

Anyone else having or had rib pain this early n is it normal ???


  • Which side is it on and does it radiate anywhere else (like to your back)? Pregnancy can bring out a lot of problems you never knew you had and they'll be completely unrelated to your little one. I have a decent medical background (paramedic) and my moms an rn. Let me know about the question and I'll the to help u out :-)
  • It's on the rite side normally n its usually when I'm having cramps or bck pain ...thank u so much for ur help .
  • Your galbladder is in that area. Is the pain right under your breast? Are you having any nausea or vomitting (besides mornin sickness, cause there's a difference to me at least). Does the pain get worse after you eat or does anything else exaggerate the pain? Does anything you do make it better? I would recommend calling your Dr for an appt or if its bad enough go to the er or urgent care center if you have one in your area. They can do bloodwork and a few other tests to rule it out (dont worry, none of them are harmful to baby).
  • @sgthalesbabies its only very faint pain n its in the lower rib part n not a lot only here n there ...I don't have or haven't had morning sickness ..fell alittle nausea time to time after I eat but that's it . The pain stays the same when I feel it . Thank u
  • No prob... Hope you get it all figured out. Take the day off and rest. Sometimes just laying down can help ease the pain. And the difference between regular nausea and morning sickness to me is, I usually felt better after throwing up with morning sickness, but if it is my pancreas (works in conjuction with the gallbladder), I could throw up 300 times and still be sick!
  • Iv been havin a pain the right side under my breast bone and in my back! It also did hurt to swallow and yawn! Im 26weeks preggo an have tried things for heartburn but nothin helps! I had mornin sickness up till 24weeks but this pain came 2days ago! I was sick two days ago in the morning when i woke up im goin to go the hospital in the mornin if its still hurtin!
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