tattoos while prego

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I want to get wings on my back. I'm 29 weeks. Can you get tattoos when you're prego?


  • Mine won't allow it x
  • I'm not sure about this.. I've been wondering myself, would love more info
  • You shouldn't. The ink won't hurt you but the risk of aids/hiv and hepatitis will hurt the baby
  • Plus you may bleed more, since your carrying more blood
  • No.. risk of infection.
  • There is no risk for infection to the baby because the ink never enters your blood stream however even as early as 2 weeks your skin begins to stretch so after delivery you may have a distorted tattoo
  • You definitely can get an infection in your blood.
  • I heard the trauma on your body (putting up with the pain) can cause miscarriage. I'd wait. I was gonna get my wedding ring tattooed on, but I got pregnant 2 months after my wedding and we couldn't afford the tattoos until then. I'm waiting to get my ring until after baby comes.
  • Idk abt infections bcuz i would hope the needles they use are clean. But the pain might be unbearable n u might pass out which is obviously not safe. N most shops wont tattoo pregnant women
  • A lot of tattoo places don't perform spore testing even though they are required to. I wouldn't trust them and they probably wouldn't if you were pregnant. You wouldn't want to run the risk for blood-born illness.
  • I work at a tattoo shop any tattoo artist that tattoos on a pregnant woman is allowing the opportunity to throw their licence away it is against the health dept.. it causes unnecessary stress on the fetus which can cause harm its putting your whole body into shock
  • Okay. That is def good to know...the tattoo will have to wait.
  • I feel ur pain. Im dying to get another tattoo lol
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