I'm almost 8wks and cannot eat help!!!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I have had nausea all day every day I can barely eat when I do I keep it down but I feel miserable all the time any ideas to get my appetite back??


  • I had morning sickness my whole first trimester and I thought the world was going to end. I couldn't eat anything with out it coming back up. I don't think anything was really staying down for a good month but when my 2nd trimester started the nausea stopped and I felt like a million bucks. I was still throwing up once in a while but it did stop me from eating. Just hang in there and know its the roughest part... hopefully: x
  • i no i have it too and i notice if i eat something plain a few min before eating something w more nutrtional value.. and wait like 30min ican eat a lil more
  • Eat gum to curve when the nausea comes on ...make sure ur tummy has food in it when u take ur vitamin or take it before bed.... Try snacking on a cracker or cheerios before getting up outa bed. Sorry ur not feeling well...hope u feel better soon...I'm 11weeks and already starting to feel great!! It'll be here before u kno it!
  • I had terrible nasuea the first tri and is just now getting better at 16 wks . I drank ginger ale and ate crackers or fruit when i felt sick the longer i waited to eat the worse the nausea got.
  • I am also eight weeks and get morning sickness. Ask your dr about zofran. I have my first appointment on Monday. I am going to ask her then.
  • Unfortunately for some like me who tried everything to not get sick like eating crackers it didn't work. I was throwing up the crackers. The only thing I could do for a long time was wake up. Throw up until it was over and then go back to bed . It was always the second I woke up and then once in a while throughout the day. I couldn't take vitamins my 1st tri at all.
  • Thanks a lot everyone it makes me feel better knowing its not just me sorry you all had to feel like crap though!!
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