Kinda confused?? :)

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hello all. Im new to this site an I have a question/comment?? Ok so my last LMP was Jan. 1, 2011. My cycle is usually 35 days between periods. Every website I went on says I would have ovulated on Jan.22 or 23. I took an ovulation test on Jan. 14,15 an 16th and all were positive. So I had sex on the 13th and 15th. On here, it says I would have conceived on the 15th. Symptom: a little cramping ( started from the 17th) , I was dizzy only one day, tired, I took a test yesterday it wad negative. As far asi kno my period is not due until Feb. 5th... Sorry so long...


  • Sounds like it's still too early to take a test. I would wait a week and take another.
  • I have a short cycle 21 days and my lmp was feb 2 ovulated on the 9th everything I read says tests might not show positive until you've missed... I don't know this hopefully ;) will be my first... I tested before my period was due and it was negative... I know that some women have false positive if they don't take it at the right time...
  • This would be my third. I have a 6 yr. old and my second ended with an ectopic pregnancy. I dont have any other symptoms so I really hope that I am!! L-) ;;)
  • good luck @Lovely23 i hope you get the result you want x
  • I got a negative 6 days before my missed period, but 2 days later a faint positive, then a strong positive 2 days after that (2 days before my missed period)... it just means you've tested too early. I was sure I was b/c I had every symptom in the book & tested early b/c I just wanted to confirm it =) ... good luck!
  • I have two boys..with my second I took the pregnancy test too early and it was negative.The following week I took another. Now, my son will be 7 next month! Wait another week.
  • Thanks to all. Should I test next week or when my period is due in Feb.??
  • I would wait until you miss your period and treat your body as if you were pregnant
  • My period was due jan 17th. I was tested on the 14th and it was negtive then on the 19 my blood test was positive. Blood tests are always more accurate.
  • Beta Hcg is them hormone in your urine that makes a pregnancy test positive. Its got to be about 2 weeks after conception to be positive. The theory is, the beta doubles every 2 take a test 2 weeks after the 15 th, and then every 2 days after that. Good luck!
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