Im 21 wanting to have a baby, My sister is 20 with 3 babies..

I have been trying to have a baby with my fiance but no luck yet. Its been more than a year. My younger sister is 20 and has a two year old an 8 month old and she is currently 5 months pregnant. She wasn't trying for any of them, she has two different fathers to her three children. I have a bachelors degree in paralegal, I work full time, an amazing fiance but none of that would make new as happy as being a mother. I know I'm young, but I want to start a family now. Its hard seeing many people who didn't plan their babies, I'm trying to have fun with the experience but it gets harder every month when you expect to miss your period and it comes any way. That means you have to keep trying. It just breaks my heart :(


  • wat have u been doing 2 increase ur chances?
  • I know how you feel. I'm not judging anyone so plz no one feel offended. I have been helping take care of my cousins kids since I was 11 y/o. They were btwn 15-18 when they had their kids :( I have some college under my belt, work for the state, & got married Sept 2009. All I have ever wanted in my whole life is a baby! I want to be a mommy! My one cousin has 4 children 3 different moms, & a possible 5 bby. He is in prison for murder of his youngest daughters mom. My aunt & uncle are raising her & her 13 y/o cousin that they have had since he was 6 months just doesn't seem fair!!!! Good luck hun keep us posted.
  • Stop trying so hard. Itll happen when the good Lord says its time. Have fun and let it.happen
  • I am so glad to know I am not the only one feeling this way. My little brother has an amazing little boy and I wish he and his wife were better parents (not judging, they just worry me). My older brother will be a daddy next month (excited), but we are still childless and are well prepared.... :-( Good luck ladies...maaaybe it will be our turn soon. ***baby dust***
  • To all you ladies don't feel down and discouraged or how ever you spell. It back to the point I'm 13 weeks pregnant with my first child and it was not a easy journey me and my fiance have been together for 6 years and we have been trying for five and we were blessed with a miracle.I downloaded a womanlog app to help me after 2 months I got pregnant so good luck to u guys and it will happen...
  • @reno_baby
    I'm wondering are u in reno nv?
  • I downloaded am app too to work out days have a go! X
  • It took a while for my husband and I to conceive, actually about 2.5 years we really started trying different things and it was only like 2 months after that and I get pregnant. I think what worked was pulling my legs into my body while on my back and proping up my behind with a pillow after sex. Don't get discouraged sometimes it does happen when your not trying.
  • @babyboyontheway that would be a yes reno nv.....
  • :) i was asking because I'm also in reno
  • sounds like ur stressed think u need to relax n things should happen,goodluck
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