I need help!!

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
Need help. I got a c-section with my first pregnancy a d they glued me shut. With my second c-section will they glue me shut or staple cuz I'm getting nervous and scared


  • If ur going to the same place they will probably glue u again if not just call the hospital and ask them what their policy is......good luck
  • I was going to ask Friday but everytime I go their I get a different flipping Dr lol
  • I would still just ask to be sure. Maybe they all have similar practices at the same hospital? I'm sure they all use similar techniques. I think more hospitals are moving towards the less invasive, easier to heal methods and trying to avoid the large staples and major scaring if at all possible. You never know what will happen though until it's actually happening! As long as baby is health!
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