Bedrest... help!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
My doctor ordered bedrest at my last appointment due to my ovarian cyst. My boss isn't too happy but thankfully at this point it isn't up to her whether or not I still have a job.

My thing is what do you do while on bedrest. I'm already bored out of my mind and super lonely. Hopefully I won't be on bedrest too long seeing as my doctor thinks the cyst should go away over time. I'm 12 weeks, and just entered my second trimester and they usually go away during the second trimester. So any suggestions to keep me sane? Any input would be appreciated!


  • I'm also on bedrest...I went to barnes n nobles n brought almost all my favorite author book...:)
  • I was on.bedest from 12-24wks... Just watch tv... TLC everday "Baby Story" , Lotz of good shows in the mornings, word search puzzle books... time flies girl...
    Good Luck!!
  • I'm also on bedrest. I'm at the hospital on bedrest I went my ultrasound last Friday and I have a cerclage and the top of my cervix was funneling but I've been here a week and am going crazy but in the long run worth it. I'm 24 weeks today and cervix looking good. Just try and stay positive. Good luck!!
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