getting cut from hole to hole

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
This is my first pregnancy and the only physical fear I have is being cut from hole to hole. Can anyone inform me more on this so i'll know and not be so scared?


  • It's called an episiotomy and usually but not always the doctor will cut down there to make room for baby's head if its really big and allow the baby's head to easily come out. Then you get stitches afterwards. My sisterinlaw had it done with her first he was a big boy. Best of luck!
  • If you get cut its one clean line and easier to stitch up then a jagged one. I had the epideral so I didn't feel any pain. But if you don't maybe you can rip on your own, some ladies don't rip that much.
  • I wish I could even tho my doctor cut me I had the epidural and didnt feel or know it til he was stitching it up.
  • My kids weren't that big my son was 6 pounds 6 ounces my daughter was 7 pounds 12 ounces. My doctor said this baby is measuring up 2 b 7 or 8 pounds.
  • @tweetlove I had an episiotomy with my last baby. With my first they let me rip and it was a horrible experience!! :( I ripped from the outside to the inside and it took forever to heal n was so painful!!! It caused alot of problems to this day when hubby n I have sex. With my second they cut me. I had an epidural and I didn't even feel it. I felt a little tugging when she sewed me up, but it didnt hurt at all. The recovery was much faster and it didn't hurt as bad as when I was ripped. I would much rather be cut. Good luck!! :)
  • P.s. if you don't wanna get cut and wanna let it do its thing then Kegals!! Get started
  • I heard waxing is a problem when your pregnant because of increased bleeding. Does anybody know from experience.
  • I was cut with my son, there is so much going on that you really don't even notice at the moment . you do feel it afterwards, going to the bathroom, but everything is sore down there anyways. with my daughter I ripped on my own, this one will see. don't worry yourself about that it will be fine either way,just remember you are amazing and stronger than you think, delivering your baby will be THE MOST intense joyful experience, especially when you get to hold your beautiful baby for the first time. nothing else will matter good luck
  • @JessLang, I feel your pain because the same thing happened w/ my first. Her shoulder got stuck & since I was numb from the neck down they used forceps & pulled her out. I couldn't walk right until she was 5 months old & sex wasn't even an option. I got a small cut w/ my son & didn't even know it til my husband was askin about the stitches. I was able to walk to the cafeteria right after I had him lol.
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  • I was cut with baby #1 and was walking, well jogging (was so hungry) within 1 hour to the cafe shop in the hospital x
  • @StarKrayzie it is awful in my opinion. I am going to tell them to cut me because I think it hurts way les then ripping. I have big babies though so I tear bad. If I didn't have big babies I wouldnt worry about it.
  • I was cut and I also tore really bad. My daughter came out at one shot like a cannon. I had no meds during labor and I was fine. I was so happy to have my baby I didn't even care. I had some ibuprofen after for the swelling.
  • @cheryl I was the same. The food I ordered thru room service was horrible so I changed my clothes, my shoes on & hubby & I went to the cafeteria & I got a turkey sandwich, nachos & a slice of cheesecake. When we were coming back there were a couple moms walkin the halls & one said I'll give you $50 for all that lol.

    @JessLang I can understand a small tear cuz it's hard to determine what may happen but letting a woman rip that badly should be 100% illegal. I had to go to the store after I left the hospital to get scripts filled & other things & I was walking like a penguin. 10 minute trip took me over an hour.
  • Hole to hole...ouch! With my first the doc made a small cut. Tiny. It definitely wasn't anywhere near hole to hole and I didn't have any problems healing. Just start taking a stool softener as soon as you deliver. The last thing you want to do is bust a stitch cause you're constipated.
  • Im so scared of this .. everyone I've talked to including my mom tells me about it and it just frightens me
  • I feel a lot better after reading your comments. Can't say that all fear is gone but I am definitely encouraged. I'll try and focus more on my baby, and less in that. :)
  • Unless ur baby has a giant noggin, or is a mini football player, u won't get an epesiotomy that extreme. Not saying it doesn't happen, but they try to induce early if they think the baby is gonna be too big. My mom experienced such a cut, and says Tucks pads are ur best friend.... and ur first bowl movement will suuuck, lol! I had one with my first but it was tiny.
  • I've been praying for a small baby lol,
  • I've been cut with all 3 of mine and have scar tissue that is really tender at doc said on this baby she will clean out all the scar tissue and give me 1 new incision.
  • I was cut plus I tore and my daughter was only 7lbs 3oz with a normal head. And the scar from it hurts when I would get my period and sometimes after sex.
  • With my first I tore so bad I has third degree tearing and they still had to cut me. I'm tiny and my daughter came out weighing 7 14 I didn't feel it happening and they didn't tell me I wouldn't want to know when its going on. But the stitches hurt I think the epidural wore off by then
  • Do not allow the dr to do a episiotomy there is no guarrentee u will tear and even if u do tears heal better
  • I tore with my first, my son. Not that bad. Healed on its own just fine. Very slight tare with my 2nd, my daughter. I didn't even know I did, was just pushing them out, had them both natural. so its really nothing to fear. Didn't know I tore till Dr told me after. And its not even close to Hole to Hole!! Just a tear in the tissue. That would be a monster child to make you tare that much!! Lol don't stress, you will be fine, and it will all heal either way in the end. I do recomend Keagles!!
  • edited March 2011
    Tearing is bad if you tear up instead of down. In that case getting cut is a lot better.
  • Usually the slower you labor and if you lather up with things like olive oil down there, it helps prevent the tear. That is why women are meant to labor at their own pace. Animals do it all the time, and no tears, there babies are usually a lot bigger than ours.
  • Tearing is my worst fear. With better health, nutrition, and complications like diabetes, babies born today are huge compared to pre modern times. All I can say is if the doc recommends it, do an episiotomy. My sis inlaw didn't listen to advice and she hd a forth degree tear. She also never listened when she was told not to push.
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  • You probably won't notice that you have been cut, even with an epi. I had my dd last April and they actually cut me twice, and towards my leg (they said they dont cut 'hole to hole' anymore). They gave me epifoam, dermoplast, tucks pads, a sitz bath, and bedodine. All made the surges so much more comfortable. If you get cut I also recommend warm epsom salt baths.
  • I've heard about the olive oil too. I'm 32 weeks. Would it still help if I started this late? I also do kegals every day.
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