5 weeks left, anybody elses husband being a complete jerk?

It's almost time for me to give birth to my fourth child and I am scared out of my mind. I already feel like my husband does not appreciate the 3 we have, and now i am bringing another of his children into this world. The thought of it makes me ill. I am happy to finally be having a son, but at the same time I feel like i probably should of tied my tubes after the last birth 2 years ago. He's being a jerk, and im trying to ignore him and just do what I need to do for me and my girls. All he wants to do is sit in front of the damn tv and computer all day. He hardly interacts with them unless he's yelling because they are acting up. But I have proven to him that if you engage them in some kind of activity they will behave. Yet he rather be a bully than a loving father. Not sure what I should do. Im so worn out since im still at work, but I know i have to pick up his slack with the kids. How am I going to get through this...???


  • I ask myself the same thing. Our stories r different but kinda similar. My boyfriend has a 3 year old from a pervious relationship an one on the way thats due any time in april. He doesnt help with the 3 year at all, like ur husband he would rather just fuss an yell. Not to mention keeping his face n the tv or playing his game for hours at a time. At times I feel like im a single parent, an pregnancy is already hard enough as it is. I question if I stay or go but I think im kinda confused as to wat I should do. :(
  • Ive gone back and forth with that same thought. My husband also has a child from a previous marriage and about the only thing he does is pay his child support. I thought He would be more attentive to our kids since we share the same roof. He has his good days, but for the most part i too feel like a single parent, and his presence is just pouring salt into an already bad wound......Im doing what I can to make things good for my girls. Giving them as much love and attention I can. But with the stress of work and home and the aches and pains of pregnancy.....its too hard. Once I have this one thats it. no more kids and my focus is going to be on the kids and work and going back to school. Unless he steps it up a whole lot, he may come home one day to find us gone!
  • Ughhh I cant stand my husband right now. Hes making me sick.
  • Me too I just want to string mine up by his u know What
  • Wow that sounds similar to my husband. All he wants to do is go to his friends and play x-box everyday and when he is home all he wants to do is watch tv. He wonders why my 2 year old daughter acts up and I tell him that she is just wanting his attention, but he just yells at her to be quiet and to get out of his tv light. I am 33 weeks pregnant and when I complain of something he tells me to stop being a wuss. I'm so sick of it, I wish he would just leave.
  • @ mamathomas, wow, Ive heard that before, we go through alot being pregnant, we are definitely not the weak ones!
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