still no AF! whats going on!

edited March 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Ok... I have not had a period since November 29th. I have been having like dull achy cramps on and off since mid January. They are different than my normal period cramps, which are usually sharp cramping pains. The cramps I normally have are so bad I usually miss work and these ones are just a little uncomfortable. My nipples are sore, bloating, major gas, occassional dizziness, nausea, super tired, clearish white vaginal discharge, swelling in hands and feet. I am always hungry but when I make something, it just doesn't sound good anymore and I don't eat it. I started spotting for one day last week, it was brownish blood, and the same thing again on Friday. I took a couple preg tests in january and they were neg, I just took another test on Thursday of last week and still neg... I feel pregnant, what the heck is going on? I am sooooo confused!


  • Go to the Dr and get a blood test.
  • I had one done on Jan 12 but it was neg. I have another dr appt on the 16th of this month... so hopefully I will get some good news then :)
  • Yeah blood test sounds best for now. I have a friend who had all the symptoms but didn't get a positive hot untill 4 1/2 months!! She was shocked when she had her first u/s!! She also felt bad she didn't see her doctor sooner. She also needed extra care because of whatever medical condition she has that made her have false negatives.
  • Have they prescribed u any provera to trigger ur cycle? I promise it story is just like mine and my on gave me provera and my cycle still didnt come. Negative blood test and pee test and I promise u after I took provera and cycle didn't come, he rushed me in office and BFP after all that.
  • * hpt not hot.
  • I haven't seen my doc since Jan 12th so I haven't been put on anything to get my cycle going again. Its driving my crazy cuz something just feels different and I have heard that when yur pregnant that sometimes you just know. I dunno, maybe its all just in my head! But the strange on and off cramps and no period for a few months makes me curious!
  • If I am pregnant I would think it would show up by now... according to this app, based on my last period I would be like 13 weeks.
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