Should I breatsfeed?

edited January 2011 in Breastfeeding
Hello, this is a difficult topic to talk about, every women I have asked has a different answer. But I just don't know what to do? I have read some good things about breastfeeding you newborn. But how long should you breastfeed, and are your breasts going to hang? I am not a superficial person, but my boyfriend doesn't like the idea of my breast hanging. Should I just ignore him and follow me own feelings. Also, don't babies sleep better when they are bottle fed? Please help me.


  • Hi Beatrice, first congratulations! Your first pregnancy is exciting, but also scary. You are feeling all these new feelings and it;s understandable that you don't know what to do. Seeking help from you women friends seems like a good idea to me. Just follow your heart and I think you can not go wrong. In answer to your question: breastfeeding is good for your newborn, if you can please give it a try. You can feed as long as you like, there is no right or wrong amount of time. As for your boyfriend, could it be he is adjusting to being a dad? Although he is not changing physically, his life is about to change too. Talk to him about your feelings and very important, listen to his. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy the time you have now and after the birth. Good luck!
  • Breast feeding is better, but the formula they make now is just as nutritious for babies. I bottle fed my first, she has been in prefect health. My second I breastfed for a few days, but it was just too painful so we started her on formula. She is also in perfect health. They both slept like angels from day one. Its always good to try but if you can't do it dont feel bad. Bottle feeding also gave me a break and my husband his alone time to bond with the girls. Its all what you want to do
  • Its a great time to bond with your little one honestly but as snreadra said formula has the same nutritional effects..... do what's mos comfortable for u
  • If u can breast feed studies have shown that they are healthier less illnesses less ear infections yes formula is good but not as good as what u can give them u can also alternate breast feed during day/evening formula day/evening also if u ate not comfortable doing the actual breast feeding invest in a good pump and freeze milk
  • Breast feeding is definitely better, like mamanice said, studies have shown its linked with a reduced risk of cot death, breathing problems and obesity, plus less illnesses and infections. It really is the best thing a mum can do for her baby. I've bought a pump so my husband can share the feeding. Ps my mother breast fed all 4 of us and her breasts never sagged! Good luck! If you have trouble go to NCT.
  • Breastfeeding is better, but sometimes its not an optio. Try it, and then decide. I tried, didn't know what t do, and know im two years into it, what do you know!! Liking it to much and little boy too ;-)
  • Yes breastfeeding is the best milk for them. I have three kids breastfeed them all.. at least to six months this time I hope longer.
  • Yes breastfeed! It is the best thing for your baby and for you. It is a bond that is so special. I breastfeed for 11 months and I am pregnant again and I plan to do the same. It never hurt, unless I didnt feed or pump and then they were slightly uncomfortable. I never used formula. It stinks and stains. Plus breastfeeding helps you loose all your baby weight. My boobs did change, but not as drastically as you or your boyfriend have in mind. Mine ended up smaller than before I got pregnant, but didnt sag or look different other than size. Good luck!
  • edited January 2011
    Breastfeed if you can. Its better for the baby and you don't have to buy expensive formula. It can be uncomfortable if you dont pump or feed. My daughter wouldn't latch on so I had to pump and its wasn't too bad.
  • Don't think too much into it, just go with the flow, if u have difficulties, seek help. Ask the hospital if they have a lactation consultant. But most importantly, give it a try, its the most precious gift you will ever give to your baby and its free! No waiting for bottles to be warmed up when you have a very hungry screaming baby, just pop bub straight on! I breastfed my son until he was 2 years and 5 months. We both loved it and it was hard for both of us to wean.
  • Breast feeding is great to build ur childs emune system. It also helps u get ur pre pregnancy body back. Every time u breast fees its like a work out because ur uterous contracts. There are sooooo many benifits to nursing that a formula just can't provide. Only thing is that its hard for mom to do all the feedings with out dads help the 1st 2 weeks but then u can pump into a bottle after that 2 week wait, some moms will even pump before then. Its great for you and baby its also a huge money saver. Usually birthing classes come with one breast feeding class at the end. That was great for my fiancee and I to prepare for labor and breast feeding afterwards. I reccomend the book 'The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding'.
  • Your milk has the most rich nutrience the first 6weeks after birth but studies recomend breast feeding the entire first year.
  • Breast feeding is the best thing for baby, it also allows you to do the skin to skin with your baby while nursing your little one. I am expecting my 5th baby and I nursed all 4 of my other babies. As far as breast sagging, that doesn't always happen from breastfeeding, just being pregnant alone can cause your breast to sag some, alot, or not at all. Remember your breast can grow throughout your pregnancy and weigh more as well, so that in itself can cause the same thing as if your breastfed. But the bond you get from nursing is so special, just knowing that you are the only one who can give your baby what he or she needs to grow and its coming from you. Like others have said you can pump and store your milk in the freezer, just rememeber to NEVER microwave breast milk. You can buy or rent breast pumps to. Take advantage of the lactationist at the hospital, ask questions as much as you need, and help as often you need as well. If for any reason you aren't able to nurse then of course don't beat yourself up about it. Formulas have come along way in their nutrion factors, but they are never as good as mothers milk, close but not the same. Plus another thing when your nurse your baby, you'll burn an additional 500 calories a day. Just keep in mind, that breastfeeding does take work and alot of patience, there may be days when you feel you can't do it or your baby isn't getting full enough, or not getting enough milk out. Baby's have to learn how to nurse, it takes more work for them to get milk out than it does from a bottle. Also the more you feed your baby the more milk you will produce. Your milk doesn't usually come in until 3-5 days after baby is born. Your baby will take in as much as they need, and if they are still fussy, they may need to be burped or changed or just cuddled with for soothing purposes. But check around to see if the hospital provides a breastfeeding class you can go to and get your questions answered there and see if they offer help after baby is born. If you are receiveing WIC (help with getting milk, cheese, etc) they always promote breastfeeding and they usually offer help with it as well once baby is born for free. So rry to have written so much, hope it was helpful. Congrats to all the mommies. :)
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