Dont really feel pregnant

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Just feel kind crampy is this normal?


  • Oh trust me qirl I feel the same way. little cramps are normal because your uterus is qrowinq. I keep askinq the same question.. I dont feel like its real
  • Ladies be grateful. I feel pregnant every minute of every day & it truly sucks! Constant nausea, extremely sore boobs, n terrible gas all day long...
    So seriously, be grateful, I envy u! LoL
  • I'm at like 5 weeks, I'm a little tired. I was supposed to start my period today and have cramping, I got a positive test (3 of them) and have sore boobs. But I feel like I'm just going to start my period.... I'm hoping this is normal? I really don't want to MC. I started prenatal vitamins the second I found out but still :/ at times I feel preggers but most of the time I don't so yeah. This is normal right?
  • I am the same way. 10 weeks and the only signs are being tired and craving pickles. But I have to say after seeing my sister go thru morning sickness the last 2 months, I am grateful!
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  • I am five weeks today and don't feel pregnant either. Just really bloated and super sore boobs. These r the same symptoms as when I am about to get my period. I hope this is normal. Reading all the posts makes me worried.
  • Trust me u dont want 2 feel pregnant
  • Its normal! I was so worried about that too but I'm eight weeks and so far my baby is doing good! I still only have slightly sore boobs and I'm tired a lot! That's all! And right before I found out I was pregnant I was for sure feeling like my period was coming so I waited a week to test and it didn't come and I was pregnant! So you're not alone :)
  • Thanks everyone I'm 6 weeks pregnant an I feel the same way
  • I am the same way i am 7 weeks and all i feel is little cramps and the boobs hurt a little here and there..
  • Im 20 weeks, and still don't feel pregnant. I feel the baby sometimes, little tired, and sore nipples, but i haven't gained weight (actually lost 8 pounds) and still not showing, but dr says baby is doing great, so i try not to stress over it.
  • I'm 6wks I have no sickness just craving all the time and ill I do is sleep but my 1st pregnancy oh well it was everything but morning sickness!
  • edited January 2011
    Just found out I'm 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant! I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms before I missed my period. Now that I've missed it I don't feel pregnant. I have a few mild cramps and pressure. And of course peeing more. Oh and SORE BOOBS.
  • Yeah I dont feel like there is anything there. I am 9 weeks and I was one of the lucky ones to not get morning sickness. But o do I pee. This is my 1st and I dont know what to except.
  • Hi,im 6 wks prego nd only 18 I havnt gone to the doctor yet but but ive been feeln really sick lots of cramps nd I havnt been eatn really much of nothing because dnt have a taste for anything my boobs hav gotten much larger nd sensitive my last period was dec. 9th im just wondering at 6 weeks is my stomach suppose 2 b hard because its not it doesnt feel lyk anythings in there
  • Yep its normal, I'm 8 weeks & the only symptoms I've got are bloating & bad constipation! I'm also going slightly insane waiting to have my scan as what if there's nothing there?! Stupid & irrational I know but thats how unpregnant I feel!
  • At five weeks I felt great, just cramped a lot, I thought I was SOOO then I spoke too soon and 7 weeks, nausea, bloat, gas, back pain all came crashing in on me! I'm 13 weeks and still having this!
  • Thanks everyone I'm 6 weeks pregnant an I feel the same way
  • OMG! Willothewisp I totally understand bout the constipation it's the worst. I will b 7 weeks Thursday.
  • I'm about 5 weeks I think and don't feel pregnant at all either. Mild cramping and peeing constantly is it for me. Oh and my boobs are killing me! You're not alone!
  • Symptoms don't usually kick in until closer to 7-8 weeks. The more symptoms you feel, generally the better. It's not necessarily always the case but a general rule my doc told me is the sicker you are, the less likely to MC or have other complications. Relax ladies, we all have a fun ride ahead of us :) I'm only just under 6 weeks myself and only feel tired, peeing a lot, and slight cravings.
  • edited January 2011
    I am 6 wks and have mild symptoms more tired then anything, having alot of heartburn no matter what I eat, pee more then normal and slight tenderness to my boobs. Just maybe I can continue on with little symptoms im allset with feeling sick all the time but in the end its all worth it!
  • i found out that i was prego first day of misses period, now im just over 5 weeks along and this morning i went and bougjt a pregnancy test and again it is positive. the reason I retested is that at the begining at least my breasts were sore and I was bloated and now all those symptoms dissapeard. I dont feel pregnant but i kind of did at the begining. slyhough they say symptoms come after the sixth week, but my u/s is in two weeks and mabye than it will sink in.
  • It's so normal. I'm 29 weeks and except for the huge feet in my ribs I don't feel prego at all. I'm still hardly showing that much and I don't get a chance to really sit down and really think about being prego cuz I'm always occupied with my little boy.
  • I know I'm 23 weeks and I still don't really feel pregnant special since the only symptoms of pregnancy I have had are being tired and peeing every second but I feel him kick and move so it helps easy my mind a lot
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