could i still be pregnant??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I took a pregnancy test today and it came out negative. It has been a week since I missed my period. But I'm still thinking I could be pregnant. I crave random foods, I eat more than normal, between 7 and 8 pm I get extremely tired and fall asleep most the times, my boobs are sore and I'm crazy moody, one minute I'm upset because I miss my fiancee the next minute I'm so aggravated I could throw a plate at him lol. But I don't know what to do from here...any suggestions??


  • If its early in ur pregnancy it wont show up in your urine make a doc appt and let them test through ur blood
  • I would take another one in 2-3 days. I had to take at least 3 tests before I saw the sign especially if you know your cycle comes like clock work. Good luck!
  • Wat kinda test u take clear blue is the best n jus take another one
  • @gladiator007 ok thanks..and yea my cycle is like clock work and I can almost get it down to within a few hours of when I'm to start
    @pooh22 I used the first response
  • I love first response. It could still be to early. Good luck :)
  • Go to the doctor and take a blood test! The cravings usually dont happen right away typically its moods and nausea that come right away! Good luck!
  • I used to like first response but I like for it to be words n not plus n minus signs but like everyone else say it might still b early although each time I found out I was preg I hadn't missed my period yet lol sad.....
  • @pooh22 lol well you got lucky and I just have that gut feeling I am because I don't feel 'normal' my mood swings are aggravating the crap out of me lol
  • @kricket828 i just got my bfp but faint line this morning and retested this evening i am just now 2 1/2 past due on my af. So it may just b to early to detect the hcg level in you urine. Wait a couple days and retest. Good luck
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