2 bites of food and im full

edited March 2011 in First time moms
I'm 18wks, and I can literally only take 2 bites of food and I'm full. Ill cook or order myself a whole meal, and I basically have to give it away or throw it out. It just really upsets me that I can't eat like most preggo women, is there something wrong with me? Does anyone else have this problem?


  • Im 17wks n same way.evrythin is movie around ang getting smashed.im preg wit 5th n every preg its same thing but bad news is it only gets worse for me bigger baby gets worse it gets for me.im sry.I hope it doesn't get worse for u.I just eat less more often and drink alot of water n make sure I take my prenatal pills. Good luck
  • I have the same problem and my doctor is concerned because I'm losing weight and I only weighted 130 to start with
  • I'm also losing weight, but my baby is ok...and yes I make sure I tasker those prenatal vitamins, I wonder why it doesn't happen to all woman if the same thing is going on in all of or bodies
  • I can't eat either. I feel like I'm starving then when its time for me to eat, I can't. I'm full in two or three bites
  • U ladies r lucky as long as ur healthy. I feel like i cant stop eating
  • I'm the same way. Ill be starving, like stomach ache starving... ill order or make myself a meal and two bites later, my tummy tells me no more. It realllllly sucks, especially since my man likes to get me my favorite foods/meals. :(
    Hopefully it'll pass.
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  • Me too! I'm 7.5 weeeks. It feels horrible! I wonder why this happens
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