pregnant and still in high school, HELP ! :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im wondering if theres any pregnant high school students need a buddy to talk to i feel alone if there is how are you ladies dealin wit it.. this is my senior year and im almost into my 3rd tri of pregnancy so im showin alot already how can i deal wit everythin goin on at school and everyone talkin about me makin it seem like been pregnany and still goin to school is so bad help..?


  • Im not in high school anymore but I was a freshmen when I had my first daughter. I know how hard it is to be pregnant in high school. I was able to be home schooled for the end of my pregnancy. It didnt cost anything, the school set it up for me. I found that was easier than dealing with everyone at school. Good luck and hang in there!
  • I got pregnant my senior year. I went to a pregnancy school who helped a lot with missing class due to app & birth. In regular school I would have failed due to me missing class. Just stay on top ask for assignments early and stay back if you have to. In school or not your always going to have someone that's going to talk. Show them that you had the baby ans still graduated. That will kill them the most. That you dis it while having a child.
  • @MommmyX3 i want to get home school so bad so i wont have to deal wit drama but since its my last tri i would have to get the online diploma which i dpnt want tat diploma since iv been goin to school here all the time..
  • If you wanna be home schooled go to the dean and be like people keep making fun of me and talking about me and its not good for me and the baby and I was wondering is there anyway you can get me homeschooled and away from all this stress. I'm 19 and a freshmen in college and I know how mean highschool girls are then u got the guys who are just hrny and disgusting if u need anything just let me know =]
  • Im in high school and im a senior vice president and all.after high im going to college because i no thats important for me and ma child. Im finishing school out is not a bad thing u can not worry about what people say they cant talk on a situation they never been in. Its hard some days i do not want to get up but if i want to walk across that field on june 10 then 730 im in school.stay strong and block the negative people and comments out good luck
  • I'm 15 almost 16 and a sophomore in high school . But not showing much but some people know
  • @mommy2be92 thank you for the advice i know wat you mean girls who i thought were my friends are the ones mostly talkin which makes me not want to be here because i cant talk to anyone and oh yes tell me about high school guys !!! :O they are all perverts !!
  • @mz_hejohnson it really helps to know tat someone else is goin thru wat i am.. i want to walk across my stage too, my baby and my boyfriend are the only things keepin me goin.. i just wish more people would be more supportive !!
  • No problem when your pregnant you def find out who your true frienda are and I mean its hard but In a way its better now then later
  • Im 17 and a jr in high school. Im 6 months pregnant and im homeschooled. I really like it because not a lot of people know im pregnant and I don't have to walk around school with my big ol belly. Haha my mom found the homeschool program that im in by just calling around to different places. You should do the same. And since im a jr, I can still stay on the homeschool program next year and still be able to graduate on stage with my class and play sports and still go to the dances and everything. Its a really cool program. You should call around(:
  • edited March 2011
    Am about to be 17 nd am a jr in high school am 14weeks nd only some of friends know about me..they always goin to be someone who talks bad about you or who looks down at you for bein pregnant nd bein young bt all you have to do is not pay attenion to them do what you need to for you nd your baby nd show everyone that you did it even if it takes a little longer bt show them tat ther wrong nd tat you did everything you wanted to do wit your baby...
  • Im a senior in high school as well and im showing already too...dont worry about what,people say its not like they dont do the nasty plus they shouldnt matter to u just worry about that baby n urself n everything will be fine :D im here for u
  • Thank you so much to everyone for your advice and support :) !
    @junemomma1 but if your homeschooled you still get your diploma from the regular high school ? And you still walk wit your class ?
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