Success Stories plz!

id love to hear ur pregnancy symptoms leading up to ur positive pregnancy test! The common or weird ones. Or even lack of symptoms! Also interested in listed dpo's if anyone is able!! Plz try to leave this for women who can share there succes story and resist the urg to list pregnancy symtoms b4 bfp! Thx ladies!!!!


  • I felt like I was sucking a battery and felt sick and tired. Got my bfp 3 days before af was due x
  • I was craby and an emotional wreck forgot was even late lol then a friend said r u sure ur not pregnant? Then it hit me OMG I'm late n hormonal!! Took a test a few days later n yep I was prego!!
  • I had very tender nipples and my boobs got a little bigger and I was having hot flashes
  • Nauseous and tired!
  • I couldn't stay up past 9pm :), my boobs were extra tender, dreams were scarier, and my favorite foods tasted like ciggarette ashes to me (*)
  • I didn't have any symptoms at all. I just had a feeling I was pregnant. I couldn't go by if I was late or not because I never had regular peirods. So I took the pregnancy test and it came up positive :)
  • I didn't have many except lower back pain. I knew I was pregnant before the test said positive. My period was 7 days late then 10 days periods are never that late. So that's how I really knew. Even though the first two pregnancy tests that I took were negative!! I was just testing too early. I waited a few more days and sure enough the test was positive! Then I got blood work to confirm it. And now I'm 14 weeks pregnant!
  • I felt "fuzzy" minded if that makes sense or not. Really tired and cranky. Craving nachos. Just felt really ran down
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