Telling your boss...

edited March 2011 in October 2011
When did/do you plan on telling your boss? Mine will be excited, she and I are close and we have been talking about babies lately. I found out a week ago but don't know when is the appropriate time to tell her. I'm only 6 weeks pregnant, so there is no real rush. Suggestions?


  • I am 7 weeks, 1 day and just told my boss today. I wasn't planning to say anything so soon but I have bronchitis now and can't take anything for it so I needed him to know that recovery and working is gong to be very difficult. I knew he would be supportive. He told me to just chill ay home this week so I can recover and he'd get my schedule cleared for the week. I feel better telling him.
  • I told my boss a little late at 15-16 weeks but she already knew because of the bump. I didn't test til 10 weeks and didn't have first ultrasound til 14-15 weeks. I wanted to make sure everything was ok before I opened my mouth. She was supportive and is already planning a private place for me to pump during the day.
  • My relationship with my boss was casual as well. Along with all the girls I work with. I work in retail and am required to constantly get on ladders an lift 15-20 lbs boxes of shipment everyday, plus all the morning sickness I've had I told her at 6 weeks. I did tell her only to share the news with the other managers. I'm 11 weeks now and just now slowly telling the associates. :)
  • I'm 6 wks, with 2 past m/c, don't know if I should tell my boss, I just don't want them talking stuff. I really want this pregnancy but I also cannot afford to miss job is stressfull, 12 hour shifts, and standing , any advice?
  • I work 12hrs too...I'm 7weeks and 3 days now..I told my boss when my first day of my 7weeks...she is so supportive....:) tell ur boss nowww.. hahah
  • @ag0216 maybe take so FLMA. My dad has some medical issues once I really needed a brake from work so I told them I'd need a month off to take care of my dad. This wasn't completly untrue I did have to take him to a lot of appointments.
  • @jess510 I thought about taking FMLA but I'm the type of person who always needs to be doing something that's why I have two jobs and I go to school, I know they say I hae a lot on my plate. I see the neonatologist next week , I will ask her if she would consider putting my off work
  • I told my boss as soon as I found out. Which was at like 3 weeks. I previously mc'd and had to miss some work. I told him right away and let him know that I didn't want anyone to know but the management team just so that if something came up it would b understood.
  • I was scared i wouldnt get hours anymore and i reallt need the money but instead they gave me full time and are very happy
  • I'm leaving it as late as possible to tell my bosses as they are the sort of bosses who will cut my hours etc!
  • It depends on your boss. Mine has cut my hours but I also work in a restaurant. He keeps telling me he's worried about my health lol I was working almost full time (like 60 hours every 2 weeks) now I'm working 20! I wish I would have waited! But oh what you feel is right!
  • I worked forty hours a week in retail during my last pregnancy and I told my boss around 10 weeks. This time I'll probably wait til 10 also, but I'm only part time so I don't think they'll care.
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