Sept. Babies!!!



  • I'm 7 weeks in 3 days 1st child 2 time been prego. I live in st.Louis I just told my boyfriend last nite so happy I'm due September 17
  • Congrats to 7 weeks today pretty nervous to have a 3rd mc dis will b my 1st doctors appoinment is dis friday im hoping to at least get a ultrasound in da next two weeks..ohh due sept 20th
  • I am 23. My husband is stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood MO so that is where we live. I am due Sept 2 with my third child. I have 2 girls a 6 year old and my other one will be 2 on Sept 10. We had a ton of complications with my last pregnancy so this is very scary for my husband and I. I would love to have a boy but I am just looking for a healthy, happy baby!
  • 1st baby-7weeks along, 1st dr apt on the 9th of excited, so scared! Due sept 26th. Im a 31yr old landscapr....donno what im going to do for work com spring time?? This baby will be a 3rd generation sept baby! Pretty cool! Cant wait til sept! ;)
  • Due Sept 26th. Hoping for a girl. One 4 yr old son & one 5 year old step son. 1st apt Feb 24th although I've had some labs due to spotting. Live in northern Wisconsin.
  • I'm 36 with 3 sons...11, 10 and 9....I'm remarried for 3 years youngest has down syndrome...he is the light of my life!!! Now 7 wks 3 days with hubby 1st born had first Dr appt today..they r sending me out to specialists bcuz of hx of downs....just want to buy pink!!!! Due Sept 16.....thx Jo
  • I'm due Sept 8th. I'm 8 weeks and 5 days and this is my first. I'm super excited but not sure what to except. I'm from GA.
  • Due sept 8th with my first. I had my ultrasound today and it was amazing how it can move even at 8 weeks!
  • According to this I'm 8w 4d.due September 9th. I have my first appointment tomorrow! Hopefully I can see it or atleast hear a heartbeat!
  • I'm 21 and live in colorado. I'm 8weeks and a day. My first appointment is tomorrow morning :) in less then twelve hours ill see my baby for the first time. My due date is september 12th.
  • @soontobemommaof2 I'm also a full time student and work part time. I have a three year old girl. Due the 12th of september
  • Hello other lucky mommies. I am 8 weeks pregnant today. I had one previous miscarriage, but had no signs of being pregnant. This time it seems like I have every sign in the book, so I am optimistic. Me and my fella are both 21 and have been together for 2 yrs. We are very excited. We saw the baby for the first time on Monday, and heard the heart beat. It was so amazing. Good luck to all you mother's out there.
  • Hey all I'm 23 and we are 7wks and due Sept 29 my hubby is navy and we live in Va Beach currently. My first appt is the 16th and I'm so excited and impatient to get my first glimpse of my peanut. This preganacy was planned and we got lucky cuase I got pregnant 2 wks aftet I quit takin my bc. We are so excited to start this new adventure
  • Im due September 28th (:
    First time mommy.
  • Due Sept.24 live in excited ,this is my first child :)
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  • I'm due september 18th too!! Houston tx
  • Hi everyone.... I'm pregnant with my first baby... I'm supposed to be due SEPT 12th but I haven't been to the dr yet... the dr said they didn't wanna see me till I was 11 weeks... I don't get it but I have been really sick n they are not being very helpful :( also the father denieds the child and wants me to have an abortion :( n I got kikd outta my house :(
  • @xpecting91611 I'm from the Detroit area too! I'm 26, due Sept 13th with my first :) I've been SO tired and lazy these last couple days and this snow day just made it worse! Lol! Hope your pregnancy is going well :)
  • Hello ladies I am due 9/23 with our first baby we are very happy and excited we are truly blessed ladies and good luck to all
  • I am in Michigan also
  • edited February 2011
    Hello ladies im engaged and 8 weeks pregnant today. My fiance and I are really excited since we were trying for a while to become pregnant and these last couple of months we had given up and when we never expected he we are pregnant :) I'm due to deliver on Sept 14th and my first OB appt is for Feb 21st which I will be 10w & 5d. I've also been freeking sick just nauseous all day everyday :(, I feel tired but I'm not able to sleep at night because it feels uncomfortable. Can anyone relate? Tell me your stories girls :)
  • Hello! I'm due Sept.8th according to this app. This is baby number 3 and hoping this one is a girl finally. I'm very nervous and very scared because my two boys have different dads and this one will to. I'm engaged to this ones dad and he's happy and on board the baby train.
  • hey ladies! I'm from california and I'm 8 weeks and a day and due september 14. Had a miscarriage 2 years ago right when I GOT pregnant. So this would be my first baby. I'm 25, or 24, I forget.....and I'm married. My hubby is 29 and we've been married 3 years on the 15th. 25, I'm pretty sure, I'm 25....
  • According to this app i am 10 weeks. I am expecting my first baby due September 7th. My boyfriend and I are super excited!
  • I'm due September 16th with my second (technically my 5th. I've had 3 miscarriages and then I had my son last August). My son Noah just turned 5 months so he'll only be 13 months when the new baby is born. I've had 3 ultrasounds already and have got to watch our baby go from just a round spot in the womb to having arms and legs (barely, lol). Baby's heartrate was at 140 bpm today. Oh, and I live in New Mexico.
  • Due sep 6 with our first, saw hearbeat but didnt hear it dat ok?
  • Yeah normally u won't with the first ultrasound gotta remember its a peapod right now. I didn't even get to see a heart my first ultrasound. I seen the sack so ill get another one in a couple weeks hopefully
  • Hi there!

    We are expecting our first Sept. 2, and live in Tempe, AZ. This is all so exciting! I did experience a m/c years ago, so it's taken a while for the excitement to sink in for fear of another loss. But as I near the end of my first tri, and having seen/heard the <3 twice now, I can't help but feel thrille. :-)

    Not looking forward to going through an AZ summer the size of a house! But I'm sure whatever I have to go through will be waaaaay worth it. Looking forward to getting to know each other :-)

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