not showing???

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm eighteen weeks and still not showing at all!! I'm worried because I'm not showing and I haven't felt the baby at all today? Is this normal please help!!!


  • Don't worry about it. People show at different times. If this is your first, your muscles still are pretty tight, so youre less likely to really show early on. This is my first, I'm now 26 weeks, but it's not extremely obvious that I'm pregnant. As far as movements, you won't necissarily feel them consistantly until around 25 weeks!
    So in short,
    it's normal!! :x
  • With my first I was about 6 months. This time I'm 9 weeks and look huge. Your lucky that your muscles are good x
  • I didn't show really until around 7 months. Don't worry too much about it. If you felt your baby move alot before and now you don't then you should call your doctor. But if you haven't yet, sometimes you wont till around 20 weeks
  • I wouldn't worry to much about it I was about 6 n a half months when I started to show. Every pregnancy is different
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