
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I am 9 weeks and 4 days pregnant. As soon as I found out, I called to make an appointment with an OB. The office informed me I had to be 8 weeks before they'd see me, and advised me to go ahead and make the appointment. So, I did. When I went in for my appointment on jan. 13th, me and my fiancee' found out that at that office I would being seeing a nurse practioner rather than a doctor, then moments later found out she couldn't see me there because I do not fit into the range of pregnancies she's allowed to handle. So, I called another office to make an appointment with them.. they won't see me until I'm 10-12 weeks, they made the appointment for feb 10th. I recently took a trip to the e.r. because my vision would black out, and i'd become ill after taking my daily prenatal vitamins. He advised me to stop taking them until I visit my OB. So I did. I have yet to have any type of blood work, ultrasound, etc, and I'm growing concerned that something may happen with the development of my baby due to lack of medical attention, esp now that I've discontinued taking prenatal vitamins. I also experience sharp pains occasionally, I'm always very very tired, nausea, my sex dive is going crazy, and my vision still hasn't completely stopped fading out, although it has improved from how it originally was. I'm very worried and could def use some advice!!


  • This is my third pregnancy each time I thought I was pregnant they had me come in take a test and blood work then back at 9 weeks. If I were you I would try and find a Dr that will see you right away and tell them your symptoms
  • I'm also 9 weeks 4 days :) . I had my first appt around 8 weeks. I'd google your area and find a recommended obgyn.
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  • The doctors where I live will not even see you unless you are at least 10 weeks along. Then they do blood work and things like that.
  • Oh, I haven't had blood work yet either, but I'm not wooried.
  • I can't believe u tell the dr what u want before the appt I seen dr at 5 weeks they dint actually do much but here we have an ultrasound at about 8 weeks for dating, one at 11 to 13 weeks fir neural tube defect/down syndrome then one at 18 to 20 weeks for anatomical then hospital sees you after 16 to 20 weeks but really it's not going to hurt your baby it's just a stupid thing that causes you stress unfortunately, I just took folic avid and iron for the first trimester as suggested by my dr, be careful with congress vitamins aswell because vitamin A us bad for your baby in high doses which are common in multi vitamins
  • They say they cnt du much til ur 10 weeks cause that's when it will really show up n ur blood that ur prego. Dnt wry jus keep looking around for a doctor that will fit ur needs. N I agree wit mama_kay ur vision is due to dehydration u shuld try filling up on clear liquids as much as possible.
  • Its so annoying when you're anxious and waiting and stressed out that your docs can't get their stuff together! I'd say if you drink that water and don't feel any better, then go to the er if you feel it necessary. My doc wont see me til 8 weeks. They say it's the 'safe zone'. They didn't even want to confirm my pregnancy w their own test. I hope you can relax a little more! Good luck!
  • I agree when I got preggo last the doc u saw wanted to wait. I ended up switching to a new doc who had u come in right away which was good for me bc after blood work they saw my progesterone was low which cud less to mc. Well now I'm preggo for third time and I love that they want u n ASAP
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