33 weeks almost 34(:

edited March 2011 in Teen moms
>When do I wash all the baby stuff (clothes, blankets, bottles..etc)?
-I have not had my baby shower yet.. but I do have lots I can use already.
>When should I pack my bag?
>What do YOU think I will need?
Any other advice for the hospital say and next couple weeks would be great(:


  • I am at the same point as you. There are different views for packing the hospital bag I have found usually between 32 and 36 wks. I would say better safe then sorry though. I am buying the last things for my bag this weekend.

    I washed all the clothes for the baby so far and out them away. You wash the clothes because they have dyes in them that can be dangerous. It is the same reason you should wash all newly purchased clothes prior to wearing them no matter who they are for. So once they are washed you can just fold em and put them away and they will be ready for baby whenever.

    My baby shower is planned for 2 weeks from now, but if you have all the stuff you need there is nothing wrong with having one after you have the baby to maybe re-up on your supplies.

    I would take some birthing classes and they can help with a bunch of questions and what to expect during labor. Also check to see what your hospital provides for labor so you won't have to worry about those things.
  • Start washing NOW! lol your gonna get more and more tired lol Plus it will give you something to curb the antisipation!! lol Have a shower asap!! You could go into labor as early as 3 more weeks, and you want a little time to get stuff unwrapped, washed and put away. Plus sending out thank yous is the last thing your going to want to do durring the first few weeks with your little one. I would pack a bag in the next week or two so its ready and waiting just in case. I just took comfy clothes, slippers, those floors are cold. A fully stocked diaper bag, diapers wipes, clothes hats hand mitts blankets. And an outfit to leave in. Something that would fit around 6mo preg should work. You will be smaller, but not all the way down. Snacks are good also. Your gonna be starving after. Make sure your dr, nurses know your preferences. And are aware of anything you want. Water birth, music, drugs no drugs. Get out anything thats important to you. Read up on birthing and what your options are. The Business of being born is a great movie. And Relax while you can!! Try to sleep as much as you can now!!
  • Im 32w ive done all mine already ive wash everything an put then away ive done the bottles left then in the steamer my partner knw he got to steam them agian before he picks me up I pack my bag weeks ago YOU WILL NEED im just going to put what ive got in my suit case 4 baby grows - 4 vest - 4 mits - 4 hats - 2 pair socks - 6 bibs - 1 blanket - 1 baby wash - 1 baby spong - 1 pack nappies - 1 pack wipes - 2 baby towles - baby milk (if needed in the uk we have to take our own milk if we not breast feedin) MY HOSPITAL BAG 1 old shirt to give birth - 2 set of p.js - 5 pants - 2 bras - 2 pair socks - 1 slippers - 1 pack female pads - 1 pack breast pads - 1 sh-poo con-ner 2 in 1 - 1 bodywash - 1 body spong - 2 towles - tooth brush tooth past - perfum - make up - hair brush - clothes to come home in HOPE THIS MAY HELP U :-) X :-)
  • Thanks girlys(:
    I have taken birthing classes and teen parenting classes I just wanted to see what real mommy's take and do(:
    I need to get started on washing everything...
    Ill let my bag wait a couple more days...
    I need the diaper bag I can't believe I almost left that out!
    I am getting SUPER EXCITED(:
    I can't believe I have 4-6 weeks left...!
  • Where do u take teen parenting classes? Lol
  • Most high schools around here have them now.
    I attend a alternative school and they have one(:
  • My school got ride of it. And this year there are like 10 including me.
  • Oh that sucks.
    It was an easy class to me.
    Then again I took child development
    and always took care of my younger siblings.
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