tormenting my partner ;-)

edited March 2011 in Single moms
So, I'm having trouble getting a job, just moved to a new town with no jobs and a lot of unemployed... so my man partner ( Idk what else to call him, he isn't my baby daddy or my bf, just the man I trust more than anything) said he'd hire me,I could be his assistant. lol!! I joked " wouldn't that make me a prostitute??" then I scarred his brain for life. I told him I had figured it out. I'm gonna do preggo porn, Lmao!! Of course I'm not really, but his reaction was priceless. Like a lightbulb when on above his bed.... then crashed to the floor, Hahahaha!!! I love tormenting him


  • Sure there is a lot of money in it and at lest you would not have to worry about getting preggo lol
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