Cant stop crying

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Having my csection in 10 hours and am terrified for some reason...break down crying just looking at my daughters or think about it. Could really use some positivity.


  • You'll be fine, just think of the out come. And when the procedure starts to take place mentally put yourself somewhere else. Good luck
  • edited March 2011
    I totally understand you I'm having another c section too ugh! I'm terrified to go threw one again it will be my third one :O ! I'm not due till augs but I'm scared shit less :-(( ! Doing my both c section they didn't give me enough meds so I felt everything they had to knock me out cause I catch a panic attack! So I never seen my both kids when they first came out :-(( ! I'm wishing, hoping, praying I do with this one ;;) !!
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