Ughh hurry up I want this preg to be over

:'( im tired of my pain!!!!


  • Man I feel u..I'm 31 wks and I want my own body back....I want this to be over with
  • Man I feel u..I'm 31 wks and I want my own body back....I want this to be over with
  • Yes! Same want my body back too ugh just hang on there :)
  • I'm 36 weeks and about to go nuts!! I can't hardly walk without being in so much pain or clean and get ready for my son like I want to!!! :'(
  • i am only 29 and 6 days prego and want to get induce already! iknow i should wait and i am but dammmm i need my body back and energy blahhhh i feel like a fat cow! 8->
  • I understand what you mean. 37 weeks tomorrow and I can't find anything to take my mind off her arrival lol was easier with my son since I hadn't finished getting everything ready! Lol.
  • Omg im 32 wks 2 days and I want her here nowww. :( im in the worst pain everytime I move! This is my second (first was adopted out) and the pain is unbearable. I cabt wait to have her. My shower is this saturday.
  • I'm 12 weeks and already wanting this to be over! I talk to my friends who loved being pregnant and it drives me nuts. This is my third pregnancy and all of them have been horrible! Bed rest... is the worst. Pain all the time... what happens as I get bigger?? I'm Sooo with you!
  • I'm only just shy of 27 weeks...and going crazy!!
    You ladies who are 30 get my props!!
  • im 37 weeks and walk like my grandmother lol. ive never hurt so bad in my life, im praying I can get back into my clothes for the summer:)
  • I am 32wks 2days and I am ready my baby shower is next sunday and I am in the process of looking for an apartment oooooo I am so ready to just have everything done
  • This is my 5th baby and I wish we were at the end!!!!
  • I feel the same I'm 29 weeks and 4 days and already anxious to have her I wish these days can pass by faster I'm getting frustrated!!!!!!
  • I'm 39w 2d and I am so proud for making it this far because it has not been easy! Hip pain, pelvis pain, leg cramps, sleepless nite..... I go in tomorrow to schedule my c-section, and I could nor be happier about having surgery, lol.
  • Wow, I just turn 37weeks today and ugh also babyshower on this sat!!! I know I und how u ladies feel, soo pain gosh hardly get up walk like duck omg! Lol good luck ya'll!!
  • Im 37 weeks and tired of it all everytime i move its pain and i pee seems like every 2 minutes im never comfortable i barely sleep at night and im a emotional wreck my husband is very supported but i feel so bad about the way i treat him SO READY
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