Baby's got the hiccups!

I am 33 weeks pregnant and have been able to feel my baby get hiccups for a couple of weeks now. They are definitely getting more intense and I can even see it I'm my tummy when he gets them. I love it and my hubby finds it very exciting. He loves to feel the baby. Anyone else feel the little one hiccuping? At what point did you start to feel it?


  • I'm 32 weeks pregnant and I've felt my baby get hiccups for almost a month now! She gets them almost once an hour.
  • Awe! I'm 28 weeks and my baby hasn't had hiccups yet! I have even asked my Dr about it, he said some babies do and some don't! Maybe she will do It in a week or two.....this is my 5 th and she Is the only one who hasn't had the hiccups! :/
  • I'm 32 weeks and mine had been getting the hiccups got over a month! He gets them atleast once a day sometimes more. My hubby has gotten used to it moving around and all that so he's not really all that excited anymore. >:/
  • I'm 35wks and my lil guy gets em just about everytime I start eating. Its so cute I get distracted by it sometimes lol but I love the feeling :) its one more way of knowing he is growing big to make his appearance! And I have felt them for about the last 10 wks or so :)
  • Im 25wks, my girl alwaysss gets them, for about 30min.. i feel them on my pelvic area... gotta luv this babies!! ;-)
  • Yep, babyboy had them the other day. And he'd get frusterated and kick and then go on hiccuping again. Poor babe.
  • Okay so what does it feel like! I wanna know what im looking for when and if my son is hiccuping. Haha im 24 weeks so it might be a little early?
  • Ummm... how can i explain.... just a constent jumpy feeling... last between 15-30min... youll know the difference from movement to hiccups...
  • Okay cause yesterday I was sitting down and there was like a constant thump in my lower stomach and it went on for like 5 minutes. Im not sure if that was it tho? Ha
  • That prob was
  • When I first felt them I though that maybe my baby was drumming to the beat of me heart. It took me a little bit to figure out that he was actually hiccuping. It feels like little jumps or little bumping taps that are fairly constant. I think it is the one thing that I have felt from my baby that has actually had some consistancy to the movements.

    @junemomma1 I think that it would be safe to say that those were hiccups. Do you know if your baby is facing down or not? I know my boy changes positions but for the most part he has his head down and I feel it towards the bottom of my tummy.
  • @preggogiggles; Im not sure how he is facing. Do I ask my doctor that?
  • My mom said I had hiccups thru her entire pregnancy with me since she could feel me move. Haha I still get them bad some days
  • @junemomma1 You can ask the doc if you want they are pretty good about being able to tell you. If you take both hands and push around on your belly you might get an idea of what direction the babies facing. I found that using both hands worked way better then trying to work with just one. You might have better luck if you have someone else feel your belly for the baby. :p
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