just plain fed up!!

Sorry this is a vent!! Rather than put my mum or fiancee through another moaning session!
Any one else just feel really annoyed at their work or bosses? I'm just so so fed up with them an the way they treat staff!
So basically I've had my working hours cut by 10 hours, yet my work load is still exactly the same amount! Now please explain to me how that works?! And then they have the cheek to call me on my day off to go in for a chat... Erm no its my day off!!
Grr sorry had to get it off my chest!


  • My co workers have really been on my nerves lately too. Some of them I can't even stand to hear talk. Im the charge nurse and one of them asks me the stupidest questions all the time. I have to take deep breaths and remind myself its prob the Preg hormones.
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one lol! I think some of it is I've given that company so much an feel like they don't even realise! I wish I could go but I need my maternity pay :-(
  • Oh boy I hate my boss so much...! I'm in the military and I work around a lot of bad chemicals that prego ppl are NOT supost to be around. I even have a note from my doctor saying I should be moved but all my boss says is just wash your hands a lot! I just hope my baby comes out OK or I'm sueing
  • @mommy2audrey what branch of the military? Where do you live? I would talk to your commander, show the doctors note, they have to listen as its a doctors order not to mention a hazard.
  • @mrsdelrae I'm in the air force at tinker okc.. I talked to my squads LT and he tryed to get me moved but they said I can't be moved cuz I'm still in up grade training. I even talked to a different on base doctor she gave me a note too. But nothing ... I'm already 30 wks now I'm just trying to think of a way to get on "bed rest" lol
  • @mommy2audrey I'm in AZ. My dad is military, he was in the Army for 6yrs, then has been in the Air National Guard, based at Sky Harbor Base, for almost 30yrs (I think, maybe more) he just came back from Cuba the end of January from a 6mo tour. His job is being phased out soon, he's in supply, so he may be going to Texas for 6wks for school so he can get into a different position for the rest of his time so he can retire with his full pension/retirement. He only has 3yrs left, so he's torn on going to school just for 3 more years, but worried he will be without a job otherwise. There was a girl on base with him that was pregnant a few years ago. They tried making her do things that weren't safe, so she finally went to the commander, as well as the doctor, then a lawyer who finally got it to where they gave her a different temporary position until she came back from maternity leave, then she went back to her old position. That, or if you have any leave time, I know it'll suck using it up, but that would be your last option.
  • @mrsdelrea wow your dad seems pretty cool! The big excuse that my boss has is he did move me to a temp job in my shops tool room, so I'm not working on engines ne more I'm just handling all the hazard materal :( and I have been saving my leave for after I give birth so I can nurse as long as possible before I have to work again.

    I think I'm going to talk to my doctor again and keep a copy of the note one to give to my boss and one for my commander
  • @mommy2audrey that doesn't sound like moving you was for the best, considering now youre working with hazardous material. That is way lame! Do you have a Facebook? I will look you up :) I really hope they change their tune for your sake&for your babys sake. Gotta love the government, eh?
  • Yea sometimes all the stupidity in a male dominated carrier field makes me go crazy. Yes I have a Facebook Umm I think u can find me if u look for Hannah Robinson. My email is hdevore@live.com
  • I am sending you a friend request. Please don't mention my pregnancy as we're keeping it secret for awhile.
  • Ok I totally understand
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