Ovulation Predictor Tests

edited March 2011 in Getting pregnant
I just bought the First Response opt and I was wondering when should I start testing? I have a 34 day cycle, lmp was 3/4/11-3/8/11 (my AF left 2day). And also do I wait until I get a positive test to have sex for just those days after??


  • And theres only 7 that comes in the box.
  • I would start on 3/17 and test until you get the positive. Testing after you get the positive is good but remember that after you get it, the egg comes in 24 to 36 hours on average and lives for less than a day. So really you should try to do it several days before you get the positive if you can make a good guess on about when it is. I would start making deposits on the 17th and then do it for about 2 days after you get your surge. Good luck!
  • @pebblesmommy Thank You!! I was so confused about everything!! :-|
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