getting to know one another

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Heyy! Anyone here from maryland??
And there a teen mom or is a pregnant teen?

Don't wanna be all up in your business.
But I feel kinda alone in this..
No one I can trust or talk to who knows
What I'm going through.


  • I'm 18 and I'm 14 weeks and 4 days pregnant. Even tho I had support from people, I felt alone too and understand how you feel. I lived with my sisters Cuz my mom died a couple yrs back and they both have kids and one has another on the way so my bf and I got an apt together. I hadn't even told anyone yet. My sister was upset at first, but now is supportive. I think she was just worried and doesn't wana see me struggle. But you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and even if the people you tell are mad at first, hopefully they'll come around.
  • I wish you nothing but the best and hope everything goes smoothly for you :) by the way I'm from new York but my bf was actually talking to me about moving to Maryland :)
  • I also just want to put something out there Cuz I've seen what ppl are saying to you. Yes 18 is young to have a child but seriously, I think you've thought of the 2 and 5 and 7 am wake up calls and the endless amounts of dirty diapers and in the end if its not for you there are choices. What people fail to realize is that even tho a lot of teen moms are the ones to throw their kids to anyone, there are a lot of 25, even 30 yr Olds that do the same thing. Age does matter but at the same time it doesn't because it all depends on Your mindset. My sister got pregnant at 17 moved to Massachusetts with just her boyfriend and finished college... you just have to think about if you're ready for that. But please try not to dwell on what people tell you, because they're pretty much basing things on statistics and while their hearts may be in the right place, they know nothing about you.
  • @mom2be0529
    Thank you so much.
    Everything keep thinking I'm trying too, even where I live at and used to go to school at. I don't need to get pregnant to make my boyfriend stay with me, caz for the past 17months he been with me all the way no matter what. And I don't even know how to plan a pregnancy. Let alone spell
    I'm just really seeing if this could be true according to the actions I've taken into wanting to have unprotected sex. I always said it could never happend to me only other people but now it could be true or not. Ill just have to wait a few more weeks.
    But ill keep you updated. Thanks a lot. I'm so glad I joined!
  • No problem hunnie! ! Keep your head up, can't wait to find out :)
  • I just moved from Md to va and I hot pregnant with my first child at 20 and even at that age ppl talk thinking I did it on purpose and how we were going to do everything I know my bf wasn't going any where he takes blame on us getting pregnant we lived together and knew I would forget to take my pill we sometimes didn't come home so just ignore the ppl
  • I get really offended because I'm 18 but me and my bf live on our own we both work and we don't depend on anyone else... I was on birth control but I had an infection and I didn't know that antibiotics counter act the birth control... but it happened and we talked about it a we decided were keeping it... as far as I know, no one on this forum is God.. and God is the only one that can judge me.... and I plan on doing my damn best to give this baby everything it wants and needs.. I hate that ppl talk about how teens "throw their kids to whoever takes em" NEWSFLASH!! Every teen isn't the same and there are older women who do the same... it really ticks me off..... like were not capable of being good mother's because our age has the word teen in it
  • Heeeyy(: im pregoo toooo. 18 weeks and im 17. Im from California. Here to talk any time(:
  • Good luck to u all and congratz! :)
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