what does it feel like?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
what does a big belly feel like? is it like when you were small before or do you feel full of baby?? idk how to ask just curious if anyone can describe it


  • Well the baby moves and that's a weird feeling for such a big belly, each woman is different so the feelings are different from being big or all baby.. if it kinda helps
  • I'm 26wks and I'm all belly. It's kinda strange cuz the rest of my body is almost the same ( boobs a little bigger and hips a little wider).. people laugh when I tell them how far I am cause most didn't even know I was preg. But its a happy feeling, I don't feel 'fat' like most ppl say they do, and baby is always moving.. its just a baby basketball for a belly... lol
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