soo excited! baby shower sunday!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Sooo I went today and got my dress for the shower I love it! And I got my cake picked out too can't wait to see it! Its going to have a big monkey on it! So anyone else got their baby shower soon?


  • Mine is not for a few weeks, but im excited. Going to be girl animal print theme :P A close friend is throwing it, so I know its going to be good!! Funny thing is I make Diaper cakes for all my friends showers, and I almost want to make one for myself lol
  • Aww cute!! And yea I want to make a diaper cake for someone seems like it would be fun!! Can't wait to see the daiper cake im sure it will have a monkey too lol
  • Mine was last Saturday.:) the cake and everything was perfect. Some drama went down though! Hopefully yours is perfect.:)
  • Im praying mine will be drama free with my n laws! I don't think they would cause anything on the day of the showere. Might not show up but I would be fine with that too. To much drama with them lol but my lil cousin is making my cake so I know it will be perfct.she is awesome should open her own buisness!
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