Anyone watch Teen Mom?



  • Love the show and actually know leah and corey
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe I know right that cheap a** pink heart ring. I would have looked at him like, are you kidding me?
  • @mommyof3boys are they as nice as they seem on the show? I think they are so dang adorable together, they melt my heart!
  • The crap on us weekly is bullshit about leah and corey look them up on fb they are even sueing us weekly for saying that bs and the pic of the boy and her was takin may 14 2010 when her and corey were split up and the boy seth is a family friend she grew up with and the other pic of her drinking was taken when they was painting their trailor and she has not been cheating on corey they are a very devoted married couple
  • they are and u can tell they really are meant to be together when ur around them u can just feel how much they love each other
  • Maci is a bombass mom. Gary and amber are trash! There is a lot of things we don't see either about the girls. You can't believe everything you read In a magazine though! I think gary and amber shouldn't have fought the way they did in front of their little girl.
  • Aww yay! That makes me happy that there so happy!! How is their baby girl doing? I wanna see what is happening with her! I'm glad their so happy that's cute. And I get so tied up in people and us weekly :x lol.
  • edited March 2011
    I could tell that they adore each other, the media tears people up with their garbage! I dislike Amber & Jenelle the most, their priorities are NOT in the right order. Chelsea annoys me too but she is great with little Aubrey, she's so pretty & sticks with that scumbag Adam, doesn't try for school, & loses a great friend! Which from teen pregnancy experience is almost impossible to come across! & Kail bores me, she is so immature, & a boyfriend should be the last thing on her mind. Especially while living in Jo's house.
  • They still haven't been able to find out what is wrong with ali ibthink it has the docs stumped but she is startin to stand on her own now
  • She's got the cutest little girls ever! I wish them the best of luck, & God bless them!
  • That's good to hear that she's doing better, I'm sending my prayers to them! ! I feel so bad they have to go through that stuff! Its great to know they truly are happy! There good parents!
  • Im glad ali is ok!
  • Grr I'd like to slap Adam!! Its like he does nothing and contributes nothing.. and belittles her, its like get the f out you scumbag!
  • I know... It drives me insane watching him! She has no self confidence, & thinks he is all she can ever get. She's so wrong! She's beautiful & seems like a genuinely nice person!
  • I know!! That must just irritate the crap out of her dad.. he must hate him s bad and he pays for everything for Chelsea and Aubrey he's such a great dad and she just keeps giving douche more chances... I wish shed realize he is really just a sperm donor at this point.. thank the bastard and move on!
  • Haha. That last part made me laugh! She does have a wonderful Father, he is so supportive. But, he needs to build up some backbone when comes to his little girl! He needs to force Adam out of the picture, for Chelsea & Aubrey's sake!
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  • Agreed. He does spoil her a.little to much.. atleast that's what the different coach bags every episode tell me.. lol but yeah he really does!!
  • Kail is a bitch.. I'm sorry but she is.. she feeds Jo all this bullshit about doing what's best for her son by being on her own and not living with him.. and for my son. Blah blah bla.. but then she risks getinf kicked out of the only home she has for some scumbag at radio shack or where she works?? Psh. She's using his family and its so annoying!
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  • Agreed but she is treating his parents like crap and lying to them when there just trying to help her out.. she's disrespectful and Jo loans her all this money for school and she's just off w this other Guy and acts like he treats her like crap.. lol I just get this full of it vibe from her..
  • I agree Kail is an idiot! But, she is in a crappy situation. Stuck living with Jo & no support from her real Mother, just sucks.
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  • That's true .. but then I feel like she's not that worried about it obviously when she risks living there for some dude... its like she knows they care and wont kick her out and she kinda milks it..
  • Her mom did? Her mom is not very nice :(
  • I know that in a lot of Spanish cultures its normal for the girlfriend to live with family even if they break up. My finances family was mad I refuse to live with them.... they already have his sister 3 brothers his mom and dad and 2 nephews and one of his brothers girlfriends living there.... imagine the 5 of us adding to that YEA RITE! Over my dead body.... instead they don't like me and think I'm taking their son and granddaughter away ha! Anyways the show only shows what they want u to see.... we do not know the full stories of all yje teen mom's.... they are making good TV.
  • LOVE Teen Mom, and I really only watch to see Leah and Corey. When they were on Teen Mom, I always wondered what was going to happen to them, and my heart broke for the both of them when they split because they are so great together. I am soooo glad they're getting married (well, are married lol) and...well... I just freaking love those two!

    As for the rest of them, Jenelle needs to grow up and realize her son needs to be her #1. Chelsea is obnoxious, she needs to stop being so needy and realize Adam is a POS and make him leave cuz he's a loser! Kail doesn't bother me, I feel bad for her because she gets a lot of crap. She's an adult, she takes care of her son and goes to school so who cares what she does in her free time? Jo's parents are nosy.
  • I like all the teen moms even Janelle I feel she is young and making dumb mistakes. But I did too when I was a teen mom its all about learning and of course we wont be watching her long enough to see her grow up. Chelsea is the annoying one. Spoiled no excuse to not finish school... she has it easy and takes it all. For granted annoying!
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