July 26th..! :)

edited January 2011 in July 2011
I'm 14 weeks, due July 26th. . .who else is due July 26th..?


  • Me too same day!!! R u showing? did u gain any weight? Can u feel the bay at all? I am barley shoing... gained 7 lbs and I can feel the baby
  • @armywifeyleah...I'm showing a little, no weight gain yet. . .yes, I can feel the baby, yesterday baby was REALLY active..! Congrats & good luck, what are you hoping for..?
  • @jody_11.... ur luckyyy no weight gain I'm so scared of getting huge everywhere else too! Congrats too... I want a girl my husband wants a boy.. but I be happy with either.. I should find out feb 17th.. hopefully how about you? Any weird cravings? I've been sleeping like crappp too ..
  • @armywifeyleah...I want a boy, but I'll settle for a healthy baby, it's possible for ppl to find out the sex really early, so I'm hoping I can find out on friday..! & I love hot chips, but my weird craving is frozen yogurt w/ cinnamon toast crunch & McDonalds fries. . .in the same bowl..!
  • @jody_11... Omg that sounds so funny together.. I eat peanut m and ms in.everything possible.. U go to find out this friday? Im going feb 17 I went last thur n they couldnt tell I was sad.lol how old r u and where r u from? This is my first baby
  • @armywifeyleah...but, it's so yummy..! I have my 1st ultrasound appointment friday, I hope they can tell me. . .I'm 20 & from Michigan. . .you..?
  • I'm 23 from ohio... if they let u know tell me cus that gives me hope for feb 17th
  • @jody_11...Did u hear anything about going tanning pregnant?
  • @armywifeyleah...not really. . .there's a couple of posts on here about it, but I don't tan anyway. . .I'm already dark..! lol
  • Hi guys I am due July 24 with my second but my first is twelve so its all new to me again. Congratulations to everyone
  • Congrats everyone im due the 26th also, and its a boy! I found out Jan 20th, pretty early.
  • @abthompson...aww, that gives me hope then, I have an appointment on Friday. . .I'm so excited..! :)
  • Jody, yes he was spread eagle on the screen lol. Couldnt deny that was a boy! He also moved alot it was soo cute, it kinda sucks seeing him move and you cant feel it though lol.
  • @abthompson....lol, aww..! :) For me, it's the total opposite, I'm 14 weeks & 1 day. . .I haven't seen baby or heard a heartbeat, but I feel baby moving, it's kinda weird the first time, but it's just so cute..!
  • @Jody_11 I wish I could feel him, jealous! I have seen him 4 times already, he likes to scare us. An ER visit at 4 wks, US 3 Days later and saw his tiny heart, and several other ultrasounds due to the sucky doppler not picking up his heartbeat. Now we found he's got an enlarged bladder so more ultrasounds :/ I wish u the best of luck!
  • awww good luck ladies! i was born on July 26th lol x
  • @abthompson...Good luck w/ ur little one, I hope he'll be ok & healthy & @kayleigh1989...lol, yep, it's a great day..!
  • it most certainly is lol. Middle of Summer n all that :-) x
  • Hey guys im 13weeks and 4 days acordibg to my calc. Doc sid it looked more around 13 weeks but saunogram could be off a week. Dnt kno sex yet but how soon do u feel the baby moving usually? This is my first don't kno what to expect lol
  • Due July 24th with baby #2. I find out next week what I'm having I'm like 100% positive its a boy though. @happymoma I felt my first baby moving right at 14 weeks. Felt different than gas.. felt like popcorn popping . But don't be discouraged everyone feels movement at different times and it depends on your build too.
  • I cant wait to find out. Im showing a little to those who know me. But only gained a few pds. Doesn't feel like it could b big enouph yet to feel lol

  • I'm 13 1/2 weeks with #2 & I hope every day to start feeling this baby move!!! We had our daughter be a surprise, but we're finding out the sex on this one & I am so excited & can't make myself think of anything else, lol!... I have an congrats ladies & good luck for healthy pregnancies & beautiful, healthy babies!!!
  • Due July 27th with my first-am so excited!! 15 weeks tomorrow, am so looking forward to feeling her/him wriggling around xxx
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