if the sex feels different do it means your pregnant?

So my boyfriend and I were talkin about my cervix bc I had examed myself and it was higher than normal, but I don't know if it was open or just wet. But while we were talking he was telling me that sex feels different and my goodies feel different too, but not in a bad way. So we had sex today and I did notice that it felt different today to me as well. Has anyone else experienced this as well?


  • Probably ovulation
  • @futuremrshoward the sex felt extremely different back in January and sure enough I was pregnant. I miscarried though, currently trying again. Had sex today and it felt different and I have been cramping for about a week as if AF is coming but nothing yet. I am going to be testing next week to see if my intuition is right once again.
  • I'm 5 weeks and sex feels different t me I get a weird feeling in my lower stomach almost like a tightening x
  • Your cervix gets high and soft right before you get your period, and once you become pregnant. So you have to look into other symptoms and possibly a hpt to make sure?
  • @junabuggbaby yea I already took test and it was neg but af still has not come yet so ima wait another week or so to test again. But I have been feeling nauseous and having this nasty taste in my mouth lately.
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