feeling bad this pregnancy

edited January 2011 in September 2011
Ok so this pregnancy sucks...I've been feeling sick 24-7, cold shivers, really bad headaches and pressure in my head and I havnt been able to smell anything for 4 days..but I don't have a cold. And last night I felt numb. Havnt seen a doc yet probably going tonight..just wondering if anyone else had these kind of problems. My other two pregnancys were a breeze with no issues.


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  • I had the same issues the first time and this one. Have found no relief. It's rough I know. Good luck. I'm 16 weeks with #2.
  • edited January 2011
    My first pregnancy was god awful. Travel sickness.. Walk into a shop n feel faint and have to leave. Constant mouth watering and hovering over the toilet, yet never sick. This pregnancy i have a stuffy nose and cant smell things, tummy cramps, reeeally bad headaches and put on a bump six times quicker than before. All different, most normal. If your that worried though best to be safe and see a doctor.
  • I have been feeling the same way. They even had blood work done to test me for allergies.
  • this pregnancy is a nightmare for me. I am 26 weeks and still get sick numerous times a day. I spoke with my doctor and was unfortunately told that I had to deal with it. He cant prescribe anything for the nauseousness because I am already taking too much medication. It sucks and I'm miserable...
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