sleepless nights

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so I'm 16 wks and also a full time college student...which means I need my sleep I often find myself up all hours of the night crying n fightn my bf bcuz I cnt sleep n he won't wake nurse said it was ok for me to take benedryl to help me sleep haven't tried it yet but anyone have any other tips where I might get some real sleep


  • Try melatonin its a natural supplement. I am 36 wks and this is my third pregnancy and know what it's like not getting any or very little sleep i was taking tylenol pm but it stopped working. This is better for u it is already produced in your body and if u wake up and can't go back to sleep u can take another one ir just helps u fall asleep and doesn't leave u groggy at all.i love it it really helps!!!
  • Thnx but is it ok with the doc my nurse gav me a list of thngs I cud take w/o calling her I thnk tht was on the list I'll try it if the benedryl doesn't wrk...thank u
  • Benedryl makes you groggy. But the stuff mentioned above is fine. I've read a ton of stuff saying its okay.
  • Ok I guess I'll try tht instead whr can I get it frm cvs or walgreens?
  • Tylenol pm works for me, im always up every other hour s
    and this is my first baby, im 30 weeks and ready to pop lol
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