what are different signs of a miscarriage?

I have a high risk pregnancy and i been runnin a fever for the past two days... and havin pain in my ribs and lower stomach i'm only 11 weeks... could these be signs of a miscarriage?


  • @ajs_mommii, I wouldn't know for sure but id say if you are having fever go to the er. Its not safe for the baby it gets too hot in there for it. And also to be on the safe side. With my first pregnancy I used to go to the er everytime I thooTHOUGHT something was wrong. My mom used to say I would exagerate, but I just wanted to be on the safe side.
  • Hmm I'd say it could be a kind of infection ... just to be safe I'd go to the er
  • It sounds more like you are sick. Go see your doc immediately. While the flu does not affect the baby other illnesses can. I have had two mc. The first I was bleeding and then cramping. The second I had no symptoms went in for my appointment and I had lost it 4 weeks earlier. Call your doc but I think you are just sick.
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  • Thanks ladies! I'm at the hospital now but i haven't heard anything yet... so far i feel like i gotta push tho hope i get good news!
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