3 DPO or more - symptom spotters
Just wondering if any of you ladies are on the 2ww and want to share this thread on symptoms or anything they may be feeling while we wait for our af.... I would love to have someone walk through me with this. I know a couple of you are in this with me, so lets join together!!!! I can start... I am at 3dpo and today while watching Gossip Girl (the most non sentimental show ever) I started to get teary eyed... don't know if this is a sign of lower estrogen due to my ovulation pass or if it's really an increase due to pregnancy...
So you will definitely have to post on this if you get that dreaded AF. I usually start first thing in the morning. Have horrible cramps before I even wake up. So I'm sending lots of prayers for you and lots of baby dust... no af - no af - no af!!!!