3 DPO or more - symptom spotters

Just wondering if any of you ladies are on the 2ww and want to share this thread on symptoms or anything they may be feeling while we wait for our af.... I would love to have someone walk through me with this. I know a couple of you are in this with me, so lets join together!!!! I can start... I am at 3dpo and today while watching Gossip Girl (the most non sentimental show ever) I started to get teary eyed... don't know if this is a sign of lower estrogen due to my ovulation pass or if it's really an increase due to pregnancy...


  • My af is due tuesday. Took a test this am and it was neg... im hopeing i just took it too early. Im gonna test again this weekend. My boobs have been so sore for the last week. My boobs usually dont get sore b4 af but i just had my mirena removed last month so i dont really know whats "normal" for me anymore. Good luck to u. Waiting sucks.
  • awww so you are just a week short of me, well kinda.... what test did you take? I hear that the dollar store ones work the best.
  • Thats what i used. I feel pregnant but might just be in my head.. lol.
  • That's what I'm worried about - that its all in my head. I have had some mild cramping the last couple days so I can't help but wonder... ugh the waiting is killing me!
  • IM supposed to get mine today...but im wondering if its coming...mine are every 3 weeks..n yes I can still get preg (had miscarriage in Nov, was 5 weeks). My breast are sooo swollen I couldnt sleep 2 nights ago..im more tired than usual and im having headaches. I usually cramp in my back and within 3 to 5 hrs, it comes, but instead im feeling lil cramps in my stomach? So idk..waiting is killing me too!
  • IN feb my afs were weird but I was thinking maybe the miscarriage had caused it??? I forgot to mention...im usually very.cold n im burning up lately...like night sweats are terrible. Does that have anything to do with pregnancy?
  • Well I can tell you by experience that once I got pregnant with my 2nd, my thyroid took a crash. They told me it is common for pregnant women. That caused me to have the horrible night sweats at well.
    So you will definitely have to post on this if you get that dreaded AF. I usually start first thing in the morning. Have horrible cramps before I even wake up. So I'm sending lots of prayers for you and lots of baby dust... no af - no af - no af!!!!
  • THank you so much...well at least I dont feel crazy and like im imagining all of this now lol. Im also sending lots of prayers and baby dust to you also! Keep me posted also! Thank you again!
  • IM 5dpo and waiting impatiently!!! :) its so hard im always wandering and hoping but i dont feel different except sore breast and on and off itchy nipples (weird?) & last night i 1st woke up drenched in sweat then after tht i had a dream i was prego but its probably wishful thinkin. & i had mild cramping yesterday
  • @mommyof3girls I just got mirena removed feb. 14 and I'm going crazy.... I don't know when I'm going to have a period or ovulate.... I started my period the 3rd and ended the 6th and now its the 10th and I'm having pinkish spotting what is up with that. Please not another period! Any ideas?!
  • I dont know what to tell ya tryforbaby2... mirena was a nightmare for me. I bled like niagara falls for 2 weeks straight with huge blood clots (tmi, sry). I spotted for another week... then it finally stopped. Had a "normal" period in feb. Good luck to u.
  • Well after I got it removed I bled for like 5 days then had normal period or what I thought....now spotting just this morning now its gone already. Hope its pregnant but who knows!
  • @Tryforbaby2 good luck maybe it is prego:)
  • Afternoon Ladies.... how we all feeling today???
  • Headache hbu?
  • still no af...BUT I was spotting light brown for a couple of hrs, so I thought I was starting. I went and purchased female products thinking it was coming, but still not here. Yesterday I was cramping in my stomach but I woke up today feeling nothing and no af...maybe itll come later??
  • Well have you tested Nicole??? Im feeling ok today. Starting to assume no preggo this time around. :(
  • I'm pregnant but want to share my experience during my 2ww.. symptoms were: sensitive nipples, swollen boobs, swollen face, bloated! Oh also tiredness!.. I had them all lol now I'm 17 wks prego :).. I also got a neg the day before my missed period with "first response" I got a positive the nextday with a dollar store test! It was very faint though but there! good luck to all you ladies! **babydust**
  • Thanks lily....im really gassy and bloated but my cramping went away and my boobs arent really sore...keeping my hopes tho.
  • When I was prego with my first I had absolutely no symptoms at all so there's def hope!!
  • I do wish.... I hate this waiting stuff. It really sucks!!!
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