really upset

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Went to the Dr. I am suppose to be 9 weeks today, and they did a vaginal u/s and didn't find anything at all. My husband and I were both really excited and now this has just killed it. I have been feeling slight flutter in my pelvic and there has been symptoms like crazy. It is all I can do not to just ball my eyes out. This has really upset me.


  • I have gone thru 2 mc and theres nithing neone can say or do to make tat horrible feelin go away I just kept tellin myself tat wat doesnt kill me makes me stronger. Also helpd to know tat unfortunatly mc happen often n many ppl go on to have healthy babies wen the time is rite. Im proof enough. Cry scream have a drink watever makes u feel a lil better here if u need to talk I know wat ur goin thru n truly feel for u
  • Don't stress our youngest baby we went in at 9 weeks they told us NO baby in there.. then we went back 2 weeks later they said 2 babys!! Then 2 weeks later it was just our little boy who is now 2. Its ok we felt the same way. There is still hope
  • They are doing more blood work.
  • They are saying most likely it was chemical.
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