4D ultrasound today

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Finding out what im having later today! I caaaaaany freakin wait anymore. Im 16 weeks today!


  • Congrats!! They can tell that early?
  • They can tell at 14. Only thibk is. The babies are really skinny. They dont have baby fat yet so they dont look super cute. Its mainly just so my boyfriend can see it before he leaves. Hes in the navy.
  • Oh well that's awesome.
  • Aw thats super in scotland they wnt tell u until at least 20wks ur lucky to find out early
  • yea thats how it normally is....im having a baby boy!
  • Try to look around at private ultrasound places. I live in sc and there is a place called "visions of life" here they do ultrasounds belly cast baby showers even molds of your babys feet after birth. They aren't doctors and cannot give any sort of diagnosis but they do strictly ultrasounds. 2 d 3 d and 4 d they also give you a video of the whole visit and allow up to 12 people to come and be a part of the experience. You have to pay for it but they also offer a streamline thing and its where someone over seas or in another country or well anywhere but there can get on the computer and watch as it is all happening and see the baby at the same time. May be something to look into.
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