is it bad to have cramps while your pregnant

edited January 2011 in Health
I am 17 i just found out i am 2months and a week pregnant i haven't told my mom yet and i have been very sick and i didn't know i was pregnant i thought it was a stomavh ulcer and was taking medicane for that now am scared there might be somthing wrong with the baby because i get these sharp pains :/ is it normal to always have headaches cramps and excesive nausia?


  • Very common.... you uterus is changing just make are there is no blood
  • gginger ale, hot tea, and saltines to help with the sickness
  • Thanks it helps a lot :)
  • Don't drink tea!! Very bad for you. Especially herbal tea. Go to babies r us they sell tea specially made for pregnant woman. Always consult your doctor prior to drinking any teas and caffeine. Research the tea you're consuming also. I'm just a nurse but I try to advise to my best knowledge
  • Trust me sweety I've been there this past weekend...and mine were so bad I went to the ER, they told me mine were from braxton hicks contractions...I didn't think that was possible so early but they can start up at 6weeks and some women just feel them way sooner (try to rest with your feet up, wasr bath or shower, lost of water, or if they are really getting to you take some tylenol it's safe during pregnancy)?...and also for the vomiting the doc said I have hyperemesis, which means I vomit way more than the "normal" pregnant woman(always try to keep something on your stomach like crackers, pretzles, toast and this should help)....and lastly as for telling your mother just be straight forward with her she will probably feel your more responsible that way by being honest....I hope this helps
  • edited January 2011
    Thank you guys am new to all this so it really helps :)
  • I got lucky. My first baby I was almost 18 and in foster care when I found out. I just had to wait till the gov kicked me out. Now I'm 20, 29 weeks along, and almost outta college and into a nursing program. I've been having massive cramps lately, but all part of the growing uterus :)
  • Aww:) so it all worled out for you makes me feel like i can do it
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