Having twins anyone??

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone having twins?? I am ... I'm almost 25 weeks and want to be done already i feel huge already LOL


  • I'm 10 weeks and 3 days and had one ultrasound they said they think they seen something behind the baby so I have another ultrasound on the first and I'm really scared I'm only 18 and twins are very common in my family but I think things will work out the way they are supposed to! But I'm very excited I can't wait to have my baby or babies lol
  • Yeah they run in my family and my husbands so it was going to happen... I just found out about a month ago its a boy and a girl but im scared to my hands are going to be full i already have a daughter who is almost two im more scared for givng birth to two ive had natural birth and its hard work but im really excited to bring two babies home instead of one im almost there im counting down the weeks.. was your pregnancy planned??
  • Oh no not at all all I didn't wanna have kids until after our wedding but change of plans! Lol he is in the military and our wedding was supposed to be September 17 and I'm due Aug 20 so I don't think I'm gonna be able to fit in my dress lol but it will all work out and my family and his family are so happy I couldn't believe it oh and twins are just as popular on his side too but I just think I'm scared cause I'm so young did you plan this pregnancy?
  • I was 18 When i had my daughter and she wasnt planned at all me and my husband had only been together for 2 weeks so you could've imagine What i was going threw i fell in love with him over the past three years and we starting trying again over the summer and i found out in september that we were going to have another we are way excited and even more excited its twins and we are getting a boy to which is great i think i would have gone crazy with three girls lol
  • I am 27 wks n feel lik I'm ready to explode! So I kinda know war ur goin thru..jus think..its almost over! Lol
  • I'm seven weeks pregnant with twins. Me n my boyfriend were completely shocked but I do have a history of twins on my father's side just never thought it would happen to me. So how far along were u when u started to show? When did the babies move?
  • Did anyone have any signs or anything that made you think you were having twins before ur first scan which confirmed it?
    I have twins in my family on my dads side, and there hasnt been any born in years, and wondering maybe if im having twins, i dunno when my first scan is yet and just wondering if theres any definate symptoms that you may get instead of when its a normal pregnancy with 1 baby :)
  • Im a twin and also i fall in 3rd gen. I wanted twins soooo bad, this being my last pregnacy, but IM out of luck. Only one baby. But im thankful he/she is healthy and hyper...lol
  • @mommyx2 my twin boys started movin early lik around 4 months...n now I'm almost 7 they wont stop movin at all consent movement...lol..had a sono n they were actually fighting...lol..
  • Due Sept 9 with twins
  • I am 23 weeks with b/g twins, have had problems from the start because of already hypermobile joints. Now on crutches and wheelchair and bedrest likely. It totally sucks as i'm in so much pain, can't do anything including sleep and if I eat more than a sandwich in one sitting I feel like i'll explode and have to lie down. Anyone else feeling really crappy?
  • Me!! I'm on permant bedrest wit horrible back neck n hip pains...I was n the hospital for 2wks due to preterm labor which they stopped..I can't move too much witout gettin outta breathe n I remember my first pregnancy so easy :(
  • I had a very crappy 1 st trimester i was always sick and could never keep any food down now Its going good i hope and pray i dont get put on bed rest i take care of a house and a two year old.. sorry girls i remember When my mom was pregnant with twins She was on bed rest thats When me and my older sister learned to take care of a house and my little brother and our mother
  • I went to the hospital with a threatened abortion at 6 wks and found out I am having twins. I'm scared to death, one baby sounds hard enough and I just can't imagine having two.
  • I wish my gf was havin twins. but they dont run in either of our families so its a fat chance. congratulations to u (:
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