Getting induced tuesday!!! :))

edited March 2011 in March 2011
I'm so excited! I go to the hospital this coming tues to start the labor process!! :) Im so excited but nervous!!! Its my 3rd pg last week I was %50 effaced, do you think being induced will work??? Im just worried I will go start all this n it won't work??? Any thoughts? Thanks ladies!! :)


  • Yes it does work I'm goin in the morning an I can't wait they start ur contractions for u n u go from there good luck n Congrats
  • @monicanaomi89 the reason I asked is because with my 1st pg they tried but it didnt work, my daughter came 2wks later. Is it faster than normal labor?
  • @jesslang really for me I got induced at 7am n he came at 6 that evening n 2morrow I have to be there at 7am again hopefully this one is quicker
  • How far along are you? Tuesday is my duedate :)
  • I'm getting induced 2morrow n its my first. I'm really scared, I'm excited 2 finally see my girl but I'm extremely scared lolz any advice?
  • I'm so jealous...I want out this pregnancy....good luck
  • @mommy2sophia @tiff87124 @julies_2 @monicanaomi89 I'm almost 39 weeks. Dr said hes close or over 9lbs n she wants him out before he gets too big lol being induced the 1st time I did wasnt fun because I was so excited to bring a baby home n had to walk out empty handed! I didnt progress at all :( but this time its my third so I'm hoping this time works! Im deep cleaning everything this weekend to keep busy! I'm so nervous n excited! I've seen alot of moms are against being induced because they say it stresses the baby out? Thanks ladies! Aagh Im so nervous but so ready! Anything I need to do to prepare??
  • Wow everyone is getting induced next week. I'm getting induced next wed the 16th... I hope and pray that everyone has a good and healthy delivery.
  • Im 39 weeks today and I'm not due until march 21st but Thursday when I went to the doc ultrasound tech said baby was 7lbs 3oz so ny doc scheduled me to be inducted Tuesday at 5:30 am ... even though this is my second child and second induction its been 4 years so I'm really nervous but excited too
  • @mrspigram I get induced tues at 5pm lol they are doing cervadil first n then starting pitocin early wed morning. Dr thinks hes around or over 9lbs! Aaaagh! Lol! I'm nervous too! Its my 3rd pg with my 1st bein induced didn't work n I had her almost 2 weeks later so I'm stressed out thinking this time won't work :/ Did ur first induction work??? How long did it take?
  • How exciting I was induced with my son, he's my first n that labor was horrid but I don't think it has Anything to do with being induced, I was a teenager delivering her first baby who turned out to be 9 lbs 11 oz n 23 1/4 in long I was terrified too so that didn't help at all, good luck
  • @sariemama3 thank you! All I mostly hear are horror stories! Lol! I just hope it works n I get to come home with my lil man!! :)
  • @JessLang my first induction was scheduled for 6 pm and honestly it went really well I had her at 632 am but that pitocin was horrible lol but it helped lol ... I'm so nervous and I'm not sure y lol my daughter is 4 maybe its been too long but good luck hun
  • @mrspigram isn't it amazing how no matter how many times we have been pg every time feels like the first n we freak out! Lol! There are always what ifs lol! I'm hon this induction goes fast!! :) Thank you!
  • @JessLang yes it really is lol and you are welcome honey : ) I'm sure things will go fine
  • im getting induced tuesday the 22nd 6am cant wait had a us today and she weighs right at 7lbs first baby im excited now im sure my nerves will get to me by the weekend!! good luck everyone !!!
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