new to this, hoping to have a nov. baby

Hi everyone, i'm new to this. And when I say new I mean to even talking about ttc. Me and my husband hasn't used a condom in 6 years and really started trying about 3 years ago with no luck so far. I have tried little bit of everything. Presently, I started taking an herb called Vitex. It's supposed to help balance out female hormones. Af was due on 3/3, no signs of Af yet, but really bloated, nauseous, and very very gassy(lol). Boobs hurt but I can't count on that cuz they always hurt. I took a test on 3/3, but it was neg. U think I tested too early?? I really really hope this is it for me, I have definatly been waiting a long time. I plan to take another test next Thursday if Af doesn't come and if I can wait that long.


  • Thanks and good luck to you. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with it all? I kno I do, I feel like my biological clock is ticking louder louder and louder everyday. I'll b 30 next year and I feel like I'm in a sudden state of panic because I haven't had kids yet. It's very disheartening. Especially when it seems like everyone I kno is having a baby but me.
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