4 cm dilated & 37 weeks

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hey there im 37 weeks, almost 38. I went to the doc three days ago and he checked me and i was 4 cm dilated. I have been having mild contractions off and on since. They say not to come to the hospital till my contractions are 5 min apart and very strong. Any words of advice or comments? Why isn't my baby coming out?


  • @natkinglove with my first I didn't go into labor until I was 42 weeks pg n my water broke, with my 2nd I started getting contractions in the morning n by the afternoon I was getting them 7 to 10min apart. I didnt wait around lol I went to l&d n they had to keep me because I was over 3cm n showing contractions on the monitor. Now though I would wait because ur hooked up to ivs n can't move around or anything, or even eat! Not to mention the nurses poking around on me constantly! Lol! You will know when the contractions are too much for you to handle :) get your stuff ready! Ppl say if u can still smile for a picture during a contraction then its not time to go yet, if u can't smile, or even fake a smile ur on your way out the door! Good, luck!! :)
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