Does anyone else feel like they have an early due date?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
I found out I was pregnant in October. My doctor gave me a due date of June 11th because of my lmp. I took a sonogram in November and they told me I was 9 weeks and some odd days pregnant so my doctor never changed my due date. When I took the sonogram I assumed I would be about 7 weeks pregnant but they told me I was further along than what I expected. I took another sonogram Jan. 19th and they said I was 19 weeks pregnant so again my due date never changed. Now I'm about 27 weeks pregnant (according to my doctor). Did I conceive earlier than I expected or is there a possibility that my baby is just big?


  • You may have conceived earlier and had what you thought was a period but was just implantation. Early ultrasounds that are done before 12 weeks are extremely accurate!! They are maybe 2 days off compared to ones in the third trimester that can be 3 weeks off. I would trust your doctor. If baby is measuring the same as before, id say you are 27 weeks!! So am I!! Due june 6th :) congrats!
  • According to my doctor I conceived 2 weeks after my period which is the week of the 15th of September. I guess that sounds right then! Counting from that week till now I am 26 weeks going on 27.
  • :) congrats! Yep that's when most of us conceive. You are considered 4 weeks pregnant the day of your missed period if you have a 28 day cycle
  • I think they think I'm further along then I am as I would have conceived 6 days after having my implant removed but was told I wouldn't ovulate until 2 weeks after removal! So confusing!
  • Yes I have to agree @pretty_princess_1 sometimes I get confused with conception dates. Is it likely that you conceive 2 weeks after your period? That's what the doctors say.
  • It all depends on the woman. Some ovulate earlier, some in the middle, and some later :)
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