to circ. little boys or not
Ok I'm so happy I'm having a girl but my cuz is having a boy what's everyones opinion on circumsision? I had my son snip sniped bc after working in healthcare and having to peel it back and clean it especially after the person who was supposed to b4 you didn't is fbomb gross lol sorry, wasn't for religion it was merely from my experience with older or incapicated individuals eww. No regrets either he's a happy healthy 2.5 yr old
I'm sure was more traumatic for him at that age- when he woke up, he punched the male nurse. So, I think if we have a boy, we're getting it done.
@mummynumber3 I'm not lazy I'm a nurse I know the importance of being clean my son is very clean and my daughter will be too but if anything should ever to happen to him god forbid and someone other than me is responsible 4 cleaning him I look back at the fat lazy people that couldn't be bothered with pulling foreskin back and cleaning the green infected goo out of it