to circ. little boys or not

edited March 2011 in Parenting
Ok I'm so happy I'm having a girl but my cuz is having a boy what's everyones opinion on circumsision? I had my son snip sniped bc after working in healthcare and having to peel it back and clean it especially after the person who was supposed to b4 you didn't is fbomb gross lol sorry, wasn't for religion it was merely from my experience with older or incapicated individuals eww. No regrets either he's a happy healthy 2.5 yr old


  • I have a girl and pregnant with another girl so I don't have to worry about that either. Lol but if I did have a boy I would get him circumcised. My uncle wasn't and hated it. He had it done at 25 and said he feels much better now with it done. I would do it, but that's me, not everyone will agree but that's okay, doesn't make anyone a bad parent :) hopefully everyone will say that, no matter your decision, YOU ARE NOT A BAD PARENT! :D
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  • I'm having a boy and I'm not getting him circumcised, his father isn't and we both decided we weren't going to :) my babys father was born in Albania and in their country most boys aren't.
  • My son iz 2 n I got it dne b4 I lft da hsptl. I thnk dat it iz gross n iz 2 much 2 deal wit. Yu gta sho him how 2 pull da skin bck n clean it properly. Wat if he doesn clean it properly then yu gta worri bout nfectn. Im glad im havn a gurl dis time cuz dat crap iz xpensive. $400 wea I live.
  • Im having a boy and im getting him circumcised. My sister keeps pushing me not too, but im going to. My baby's father is circumcised and he says he's glad he is. He says its gross if ur not and he wants his son to be circumcised as well. So im going with it.
  • It's not gross and you guys shouldn't say that bc it may hurt peoples feelings. It's not at all hard to clean and its easy to keep clean.
  • I had all 3 of my boys doc does this thing call bella thing and its a lil tube that slips over the penis and the skin and the tube fall off in a week or so no cutting of any kind...if this one usa boy he will be done the same
  • I left that up to my fiancée and he says no. He is not circumcised and says he doesn't want our baby mutilated
  • Im having a boy and im getting him circumcised because i was told and read that uncircumcised has more infection, higher chances of getting diseases
  • @steph_s90 wen I said gross I hope dat I didn hurt any1s feelings cuz I wasn tryn 2 n yea I culda worded it differently. I kno ppl hve various reasons y dea dnt get it dne ex. religious purposes, etc. So ima say dat my choice waz 2 get it dne n 2 each his/her own. :)
  • @kcoolzchic thanks:) lol yea everyone has a reason why or why not
  • @steph_s90 yu welcme n I shuld b thankn yu 4r brngn my choice of words 2 my attention
  • I never considered not having my son circumcised. My Hubby is circumcised and this little guy will have it done before he leaves the hospital. The couple of guys that I have known that didn't have it done as infants, got it done as adults and it was quite painful, from what they say.
  • In my opinion don't do it. Is not natural. On less because religion reasons. I have three boys and they didn't get it. Plus that hurts. Plua in the long run is better for them. Just got to be on top of them about being clean.,my two 7 year olds and the 6 year old have no problems with hygine. Got to start early on that! Good luck!
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  • See I don't want too but hubby wants to if we have a boy.
  • As far as the baby being fussy for the first month, the pain doesn't last that long. I've had 2 nephews get it done and they were healed in about a week. As long as you're gentle with the incision, everything should be fine.
  • My parents didn't have my brother cir, but when he was 2 or 3 (i don't know.exactly what age bc I was still little) it got infected and they ended up having to do it then anyway!

    I'm sure was more traumatic for him at that age- when he woke up, he punched the male nurse. So, I think if we have a boy, we're getting it done.
  • My husband's extra skin gets in the way sometimes and we have to take it out and start over. I guess it gets folded over or something once it's in there. I'm gonna circumcise my son just so his wife won't have to be annoyed by it.
  • If I had a boy I would get him circumcised. Its more hygenic, and personally I feel its looks better that way. In opinion, most guys don't always clean out the inside of the flap. Babies won't remember the pain, but an infection down the line will be worrisome for adults.
  • My son wasn't even fussy that day after he had it done and he never cried when I cleaned it nothing. I've also seen people not pull it back up after they cleaned someone and it constricts the head of the penis causing it to turn blueish and hurt like hell. I'm glad I got it done, plus I do believe it lowers the risk of penile cancer
  • I would never do it. Its just not common in europe. Of course my future sons will be taught good hygiene skills by their father, and learn to slowly pull that thing back, so it functions as it should. Common sense imo. It obviouly has a purpose, so why cut it off.
  • @uncaffinated_katie you're so right. With it done, they are less sentitive.
  • im a CNA and in nursing school. if i have a baby boy i will get him circumcised. not just because my fiance wants it done, but because i have taken care of men in nursing homes who are not circumcised and have seen them get terrible infections from aids who do not know how to properly take care of it. I have also seen the men who can take care of themselves get to the point where they dont care anymore and just let it go and get infected. while working in the ER, i have also seen a man who mutilated himself because he never liked it and was too embarassed to go get it done.. my mom says she regrets getting my brother done.. she said she did it because my father was and he wanted it. but if you ask my brother.. he couldnt even tell you the difference.. and he is 24 almost 25.. so it is a preferrence of choice my friend has a son and she wanted it done but because he was so premature and in the NICU for so long they were just ready to have him home and forgot all about it before they left the hospital and their insurance wouldnt cover it after they left. she wishes she had because as he started walking and moving around the skin would pull back and cut off circulation to the head of his "wee-wee" so its a personal choice.
  • My son is uncircumcised and if this one is a boy he will be too. There is lots of good in having foreskin, including protection from disease. I will leave him how God made him. :)
  • Correct me if in wrong but haven't most of you just basically sat here and said that your getting/got your son circumcised because you basically can't be asked to sit there and teach your son how to clean his private parts properly so instead you stuck him through surgery to remove apart of him?
  • @ trying4first I have seen all that too and I know its shallow but that was my reason to get it done.

    @mummynumber3 I'm not lazy I'm a nurse I know the importance of being clean my son is very clean and my daughter will be too but if anything should ever to happen to him god forbid and someone other than me is responsible 4 cleaning him I look back at the fat lazy people that couldn't be bothered with pulling foreskin back and cleaning the green infected goo out of it
  • Well if we start chopping off body parts when they're babies because something may happen it it when they're older, they won't have anything left. If the problem lies with the care in nursing homes, that that is what should be fixed.
  • Agreed but that's never going to happen its hospitals too, the way I look at it if he never got used to it he won't miss it ignorant or not I don't care
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