boyfriend problems

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm thinking he's gonna leave....and I'm gonna end up rasing this baby on my own. He got mad that I went to my first appointment by myself...but he was arguing with me, and stressing me out. Plus he refused to come and get me. I know what sense does this boy make? But still, what should I do. I am a full time student and I don't work because I don't have the time...I can't raise this baby alone.


  • I hope things work out... but if he's not being supportive and causing you more stress than you need then that's not the best environment for you or your baby and that's not something you can change no matter how bad you want too.. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh. Mommies learn to do whatever they need to do to provide and you should have a strong support system around you :)
  • You need to explain to him that he is causing to much stress which is not good for the baby, tell him that if you two can't get along then you shouldn't communicate as much cuz you want the baby to be as healthy as possible. I know you don't want to stop communicating, just say that. Let him know his kid can hear everything you say and feels all the feelings that mommy feels .. if he is only making the situation harder do you want him around ?
  • @bundleofjoy I do he just likes to argue. .and I hate it.
  • You hate it and its not good for the baby. He needs to consider that mama, and if he can't then you need to reconsider him. Your little nugget deserves nothin but the best.
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