edited January 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
I am almost a month late on my period and have been having prego symptoms on and off for a couple weeks. I have been exhausted but have a hard time staying asleep, getting dizzy enough to almost pass out a few times, headaches, nausea and vomiting, clearish-white vaginal discharge, fuller breasts,and cramping. I have taken several preg tests since missing my period and all have been negative. For the last hour though, the cramping has been severe enough to make me cry and the heating pad is not helping!


  • You can take any tylenol product, and excedrin when you are pregnant to help with the pain.
  • Also, go to a doctor to see what's going on. It may be an ectopic pregnancy or you may just be pregnant. It's to your advantage to seek medical advice if the pain is to the level of making you cry.
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